We are finding a similar pattern. If you get an error, use BimmerLink to clear the codes and let the car power-cycle, ~20 minutes off. Then try again. If there is a permanent error, it will be in the error log. If not, the car starts and runs normally. No need to make a service department "boat payment."joeblow said:. . . After a warm night in the garage and me clearing the codes it started up fine.
. . .
Any thoughts?
joeblow said:because we are high in the mountains and far from everything. For me, cold soaking seems to be the smoking gun.
joeblow said:Sounds like we may be neighbors. I am at 7000ft in Kamas, Utah. Are you in Park City? My wife works at St. Regis and after working a night shift and leaving it cold soaking in the employee parking lot on the Jordanelle side, the REX will not start sometimes. Also going to the movies and then trying to start on the way home we have had issues. Obviously we are talking -10deg sometimes so it is cold. We have been using 91OCT ethanol free but I am starting to think we should go with the 88OCT with ethanol which should start easier. Heck the more ethanol the netter if light off is the issue. E85 might be even better?
arodi3 said:How do you use the Tourqe Pro app to restart the REX? Do you just clear the error codes and then it automatically tries again, or is there more to it?