New Fob for +$500 or what else could I try ?

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I found a guy on Ebay who can cut a new metal key by sending him a PICTURE of your old key. I have no idea how he does this, but I sent a pic of the key from my 5 series, and he cut it and it works perfectly. cost about $15, i think..
Any link or seller name for us would be grand!
But if you go this route, you don’t have the metal key cut to match your vehicle, right?

Right. The remote and the key are 2 separate parts from BMW, which can be ordered with your VIN and proof of your registration/ownership. As noted above, both can be had for $400 total from an online dealer. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the key will be pre-cut to fit your car, so it is not a blank that requires a locksmith to cut it. That was the case when I bought the combined fob/key from BMW for my E38.
I want to extend my previous comments on BMW making DIY/Indy repairs and use of aftermarket/used parts difficult, if not impossible in many instances involving electronics. As noted, a class action would be futile. However, legislation can tackle the problem. Currently, 5 states, including California and New York have Right to Repair statutes that address this problem. It's worth a bit of research for folks in those states to see if the law might give them a remedy there, if confronted with such issues. The U.S. Congress has attempted similar federal legislation with bi-partisan support [H.R. 906, the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair (REPAIR) Act] , which recently died. This would be the best means of combatting these practices. Here's an interesting read with the competing arguments of the industry groups over it: