i3 EDrive External Sound

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user 4543

Active member
Nov 29, 2017
This is an option on new i3 cars, and seems a good idea to alert people when driving slowly in busy areas.

However, on asking my dealer (Cooper Reading, UK) if it could be retrofitted to my 2016 94Ah model, the surprising answer was NO!

I wonder what other options I have, given the i3's complex systems...

There are at least several websites that will allow you to decode the onboard options as built by inputting your VIN. Now, how easy or hard it might be to add additional things after the fact, often, it's not particularly easy. BMW, and many modern car manufacturers, no longer include the wiring for most options, and each wiring harness is designed for the particular vehicle. At least in the USA, one of the few things that is built into all of them is the ability to add in a satellite receiver but little else.
There are a couple of companies that have "engine noise" makers for electric cars, ranging from ridiculous (and expensive) big-block v-8 simulations, to more standard silly engine noise generators.

I think there are a few companies looking at modifying existing electronic deer alert sound generators that would work to retrofit to electric cars as a pedestrian warning system.
The OEM solution (I think it may start to be available in the USA, maybe in the 2019?) works at low speeds up to about 18 mph (30Km/hr). They felt there was enough tire noises above that to then disable it. I've not heard it, as I've not been out of the USA and had the opportunity to hear for myself.
I may be in the minority here, but I really don't like the fake car sounds. People don't pay attention and saying that's because the car doesn't make any noise, isn't going to change that. I'm extra careful to watch for people when I'm driving my i3, and I do find that people are a little surprised when they realize I'm driving next to them, but don't think they would act much different in my ICE vehicle.

Case in point. Driving my 2016 Tacoma (not the loudest, but certainly not the most stealth) in the Safeway parking lot, and two people were walking right down the driving part of the parking lot in front of me. Now, I could have been rude and put it in N and reved the engine, but I just wanted to see how long they would do this before even looking. They never looked. Not once. Got to their car and didn't even register that I was there.

My point. I LOVE the fact that my car is silent. That's one of the main reasons I bought it. I don't want some artificial sound just because some people have excuses for not paying attention. I understand some will disagree, but it's just how I feel.
jlangham said:
I may be in the minority here, but I really don't like the fake car sounds.

Agreed. My i3 doesn't have a noise generator, yet its "electric motor whine" plus tire noise is louder than some Lexus V8s with all their sound deadening. I'd rather the level of "vehicle background noise" decline due to the shift to EVs, not just change from "engine noise" to "Jetsons noise".
My new i3 does have the “audible pedestrian protection”. It is a subtle whine which cuts off after 20 mph. I think it should be enough to alert pedestrians. I have had a couple of teenagers step out in front of my previous silent i3, totally engrossed on their phones and astonished to see me when I braked to avoid them!
As I understand the US requirements, 50% of a manufacturers electric cars must have a "noisemaker" in 2018 and all of them from 2019 forward. My 2018 X5 40e has a sound a little like movies do for spaceships. What I really want is a button to key off "Ride of the Valkyries" for the people walking down the middle of the roadway.
only had my my car for a couple of weeks and i've had texting zombies literally walk into my car oblivious to the fact i was driving thru, i'd love to have a customizable sound generator
CanisLupus said:
Feel free to use the standard manual sound generator button on the steering wheel .
Unfortunately, a response delay when pressing the horn button makes producing a short "beep" difficult. Either no sound results or the "honk" sounds rudely long and urgent. Has this improved with recent i3 models?
When the weather warms up, I will be changing my horn to a set of Hella's to give it more of a Euro sound. Should be about 120 dB's to wake up the idiots walking down the middle of the road :)