i3 Charging question?

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Oct 24, 2015
Hello I am considering an i3 to replace my Lexus, my main concern is how would I charge it since I live in an apartment and there is no sockets where I park my car now.

Thanks for any help.
At the office? Or check out plugshare.com, but public charging can be very unpredictable. Level 2 (240V) charging at home is ideal for peace of mind.
My wife works for a huge regional employer. They did not have accommodations for charging. All the same, she contacted the facilities manager and he granted her use of a power socket near one of the buildings on the grounds. Her company decided to expand and is now building another building and parking garage. She advocated for them to install chargers in their new parking garage. The CEO saw my wife walking down the hallway and pulled her aside. He asked if she was the person with the electric car and proceeded to ask her some questions about her car. She works in their HR department.

Long story short, my wife can charge at work on a 120V line and eventually because of her the parking garage will accommodate charging stations for their employees who choose to buy electric cars. We also have a level 2 charging station in our garage.

I suggest if your employer does not now accommodate electric cars you should advocate with them to install a charger. As for where you live, unless you are planning to move you might want to think twice about getting an electric car. Or at the very least consider a car that would be more accommodating to daily commutes possibly without access to charging.

The Rex engine is only designed to do away with range anxiety. Its not designed to do long periods of no charging. Remember it kicks on when the battery gets too low to maintain the charge. Its just not going to be practical if you don't have daily access to dedicated charging.

If you can't get an accommodation from where you live or your employer its going to make life very difficult for you.

Consider either a 2016 Volt or a hybrid instead.

MrDemon said:
Hello I am considering an i3 to replace my Lexus, my main concern is how would I charge it since I live in an apartment and there is no sockets where I park my car now.
That was our situation. We own an apartment, and we have an assigned parking space. With the permission of the apartment association, we installed at our expense a Level 2 EVSE on a circuit that branches off of our apartment's electrical circuit, so we pay for our electricity usage. Maybe you could do something similar.
My wife and I have the same problem. We live in an apartment and have no charger in the building. Our commute is short and while we have no charging at our destination we find we can charge once a week at a public station and get by unless we do a long trip. It's not ideal. We are in Toronto so I'm a bit worried about the cold in winter if we can't plug in.
Cold weather definitely does decrease maximum range, especially on multiple short trips where you cannot set a departure time to prewarm things. I do not know if there are any government subsidized programs for EVSE installation in Canada, but you might want to check around...you might be able to talk the apartment complex into installing one for you, especially if it is subsidized. In the USA, CHargpoint has a program where they'll install one in places like that and charge for it's use, but with no other cost to the user or property owner. Is there an outdoor 120vac receptacle anywhere near? If your parking space is near the building, you might be able to talk them into installing a receptacle close enough to plug in - maybe a light pole one could be added to? Might only be on at night, but that may be enough. For mostly short trips, a 120vac circuit may suffice, and would not be expensive at all.

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