I had a 3G to 4G TCU upgrade to prove a point.

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Nov 22, 2014
Those of us that own an i3 with a 3G Telematics module (TCU) have been told by BMW that we're out of luck and there is no "technology upgrade" available to keep ConnectedDrive services running past Feb 2022. I received the email from ConnectedDrive services stating as much and I'd get free services until the end date, even though I had already renewed service until Nov 2021, so 3 months free. Some laughed it off and have let their subscriptions lapse long ago. I for one like the ability to set the car to cool before I get to the door, and real time traffic is very useful to avoid jams along my routes.

I read posts of the 4G TCU part number that directly replaces the 3G TCU, posts of other BMW model owners talking about the upgrade and a single post of an i3 owner that got their broken 3G TCU replaced with a 4G one under warranty. I decided to get my 3G TCU replaced when I brought my i3 in for HV battery warranty test (see other post). All out of pocket.

I gave the service rep the 4G TCU part number (84-10-6-836-777) to order because I was not sure they would install if I bought it outside of their supply chain, and put the work order to replace the 3G one and program its replacement. At first they sound unsure that this could be done but I replied that the only thing needed to be done is to program with ISTA+, which I don't have access to and no expertise to use it. Maybe contact ConnectedDrive in addition.

So when I went to take back the car to await the arrival of the replacement battery modules they've already replaced the TCU, and I successfully activated cooling as I walked to the car. They gave me the 3G TCU as a keepsake, and I managed to query the tech that performed the upgrade. Sure enough, the only thing they had to do is program the TCU using ISTA+. Looks like it is a drop in replacement.

I still need to contact ConnectedDrive to make sure they don't deactivate my VIN when Feb 2022 rolls around but it has been working fine for about a month now. All it cost is ~$1400 parts and labor. I'm sure if you order the TCU online and/or have access to ISTA+ the costs would be lower than having the dealership do everything but this proves:

BMW is full of it when they tell you that there is no way to upgrade your TCU. They just don't want to put up any money even for a discount.

Here are pics of the work order, plus old and new module and its connectors.
Thanks for exposing BMW's dishonesty!

As a fellow 2014 BEV owner, I don't value Internet connectivity enough to pay a BMW dealer to replace our 3G module with the 4G version. I could probably replace the module myself and might be able to figure out how to use ISTA+ to make it work, but the ~$600 cost of a new module, and even the possibility of finding a used one for less, it still more than I want to spend on a 7 year old i3 with a significantly degraded battery pack.
That's awesome!

I take it your screen continues to indicate 3G?

Now the question, how to work with BMW to get the parts at a fair discount.
I wonder if the BMW Dealer has to do anything 'special' in registering the modem with BMW, other than programming it to the car with ISTA+?? Does ISTA programming pass on/register the new phone/ID number to the BMW Connected Drive server? Or is there some extra registration step that must be done by a BMW Dealer??

If not, would be pretty easy to DIY the modem swap, and then have an indy BMW shop just program it for you, to keep the cost more reasonable.
alohart said:
it still more than I want to spend on a 7 year old i3 with a significantly degraded battery pack.

If you have been on the i3 subreddit there is an effort by a user "AgentMi" and company to bring 3rd party upgrade packs in a few years that I'm rooting for. I don't plan on getting rid of this car but I totally get your point. I wasn't putting a lot of effort/money into the car when it had a battery pack that degraded either.
MKH said:
I wonder if the BMW Dealer has to do anything 'special' in registering the modem with BMW, other than programming it to the car with ISTA+?? Does ISTA programming pass on/register the new phone/ID number to the BMW Connected Drive server? Or is there some extra registration step that must be done by a BMW Dealer??

If not, would be pretty easy to DIY the modem swap, and then have an indy BMW shop just program it for you, to keep the cost more reasonable.

I read in some other BMW forum about someone upgrading his 2011... something to 3G after 2G went away.
His story was pretty much the same, he bought the TCU for $400-ish (at the time), he had the ISTA+ software and I think it took him about 2 hours total to program it. After that he just contacted BMW to activate the Connected account after paying whatever subscription fee. The SIM cards are already purchased in advance by BMW so it makes sense that all they would have to do is activate them. He did all this outside of the Dealer.
This is clearly not a problem specific to i3, is it? How many other BMW models are impacted, does anyone know?
i3Houston said:
This is clearly not a problem specific to i3, is it? How many other BMW models are impacted, does anyone know?

Every other BMW model from at least 2014-2016 using 3G is also affected.
They may be dealing with other models differently in terms of offering an easy or no cost upgrade path.
The TCU box on all of them is most likely the same part.
EvanstonI3 said:
i3Houston said:
This is clearly not a problem specific to i3, is it? How many other BMW models are impacted, does anyone know?

Every other BMW model from at least 2014-2016 using 3G is also affected.
They may be dealing with other models differently in terms of offering an easy or no cost upgrade path.
The TCU box on all of them is most likely the same part.

Yeah, I just joined the F30 forum on another site, they have this issue but nobody seems to really care. I think i3 owners use it a whole lot more because 1) we aren't paying for the service right now 2) it is very handy with preconditioning and checking charge status.
bocabimmer said:
EvanstonI3 said:
i3Houston said:
This is clearly not a problem specific to i3, is it? How many other BMW models are impacted, does anyone know?

Every other BMW model from at least 2014-2016 using 3G is also affected.
They may be dealing with other models differently in terms of offering an easy or no cost upgrade path.
The TCU box on all of them is most likely the same part.

Yeah, I just joined the F30 forum on another site, they have this issue but nobody seems to really care. I think i3 owners use it a whole lot more because 1) we aren't paying for the service right now 2) it is very handy with preconditioning and checking charge status.

Oh yeah.. preconditioning doesn't make sense on ice cars. Now that you mentioned it, guessing most people would have the app as well.

No doubt BMW will leave i3 owners stranded.
Well, I contacted a lawyer about this. If enough people who own i3 vehicles (like people who have 2017 vehicles and bought BMW extended factory warranty or people who bought connected drive subscriptions) who paid for connected drive services and the people who still have factory warranty past February 2022 got together, there could be enough for a class action lawsuit against BMW even though they shoved a Terms of Service (TOS) acceptance message if one continued to use BMW services (like “myBMW)…

Here are a couple of cases years ago:



MBUSA lost and was forced to offer upgrades. Now I don’t know who would be eligible, but an attorney would have to articulate a complaint which could fit this situation.

I’m sure there are many people who bought their BMW cars that fit into this category and bought services from BMW when BMW knew the 3G network was slated for shutdown yet knowingly sold the products anyway.

While I don’t like courts or litigation, if this is the case then this may be worth pursuing.
Thank you. Hate litigation but agree with you.

Is there minimum number of owners that will need to engage to take it forward?
I know a couple of lawyers who have successfully litigated a class action regarding another matter (involving nearly a 12 million dollar settlement) in which the plaintiffs prevailed. I’m contacting them regarding this and another law firm who successfully litigated an action against a car manufacturer and prevailed.

As I stated in my previous post, and as you stated, I don’t like litigation either, but I also dislike companies which knowingly take money for services and or goods which they knew would be obsolete, and then try using the “cellophane wrapper” doctrine (acceptance of restrictive ToS which includes an imbedded liability release by further using what a user perceived when they bought the vehicle or service) after the fact in an attempt to “weasel” out of its responsibility.

I’ll do some checking and post.

My background: I went to night law school during another career years ago but never practiced - I work in a related field which law school enhanced my career.

I’m not offering any legal advice, just thinking aloud.
Agreed. What BMW has done reminds me of the "emission scandal", where automakers manipulated the results by covering up the results in test mode but in real world, cars emitted deadly gases.

Is it called diesel gate?

Clearly, it looks like BMW legal counsel lacks ethics and principals and common sense as this short term financial gain will cost them more in long term; with it without the litigation.

Ps.i have already started asking friends, coworkers to stay clear of BMW.

I have too.

I enjoy my i3, but the offerings from other manufacturers as the EV market “heats up” are numerous and look very nice.

I’ve spoken with several parties across the country and these people have interest in joining a lawsuit if organized. I’m sure there’s a “blood thirsty” lawyer willing to take this on. Just waiting for a response as a couple of people I know whom I went to law school with do research to articulate an argument.
How can I help to organize it?

Create Google spreadsheet and provide link or maybe create a survey form, discord or WhatsApp chat group?

I have not organized anything like this before so not sure if there are professional tools to reach various forums, like this, Facebook, bmw blog, reddit or more?

Guessing that starting point is, creating an email account and attach social media accounts to it?
How can I help to organize it?

When to the stage of getting the word out, there is a 20K member world wide i3 owners group on FB - and the topic has been discussed there several times, with many concerned and not happy with BMW's non-support.

Thank you, MKH. Sounds like a good initial step.

Sometime this week I will create a profile, let's know if you would be interested in managing or other super knowledgeable members, Alohaart?
Just a suggestion (though it's probably too late) to give this discussion its own thread. It's important enough to stand on its own, but the original topic of this thread also contains ver useful info that may get list in the chatter if antibody wants to ask questions or post their own upgrade experience.

Maybe a mod can sort it out?