nickp said:
Zpmada said:
I have a 2015 i3 rex that has 68,500 miles. I bought it used last year with 32,000 miles. Awesome car
I never understood the whole "city car" label. It's great at speeds on the interstate.
You seriously put 36,500 miles on the i3 in ONE YEAR? WOW!
That's exactly 365 mils a day. When does that Rex come up for air?

Good to know that motorcycle engine is tough. :mrgreen:
It works out to about 100 miles a day

At work I use a 16 amp 208v outlet. My work commute is 52 miles each way, or 104 miles in a day. I use the level 1 charger at home which provides me with a full battery when I wake up. Since my commute is 52 miles, I have about 20-25% battery remaining when I get home, and the level 1 is enough to top me off by my morning commute. Then, weekend trips, and errands. I've gone weeks without the Rex kicking in. Having the ability to charge at work helps big time. My car is plugged into something almost anytime I'm not driving, although I am able to unplug my car and move it for a few hours during my lunch break when it's fully charged