We are having a nightmare trying to charge our i3 REX. We have had it less than a month and the dealership has been trying to fix it for three weeks. Charging immediately at charging stations has been so – so but far more reliable than trying to do an economy charge at home using our new Bosch Power Max 30.
We can charge at home using level 1. We can do a level 2 charge at home provided we program it to charge before the economy period (11pm-6am), but there needs to be at least an hour between the time we set the delayed charge and the time it is supposed to start charging.
Trying to set an economy charge at 11pm with a departure time for 6:30 with precondition didn’t work. Some times giving up on th3 economy charge, I set it to charge immediately during the night and it would slowly charge as if it was on a level 1 charger instead of a level 2. The dealership kept it for over a week, updated the program and said they fixed the problem. That night it wouldn’t charge. The dealership said make sure we had at least 45 minutes between the end of the economy charge period and Departure time. That didn’t work. Eventually, sitting in the garage from 11:15 to 1 am I found it would charge if I set a three hour interval between the end of the economy charge period and Departure time (Economy 11pm-4am, departure 7 am). Next night those setting didn’t work. Sat there for 45 minutes that night and only got it to respond to the economy charge if I turned off the preconditioning.
The other weird thing we have noticed, when I go down to the garage to check on the economy charge at 11;15 pm, nothing happens until I press the BMW button on the key fob. Then the car comes to life and the Bosch charge starts to charge the car. (yes, the car doors are locked and the BMW app on my iPhone said it wasn’t charging)
So at this point the car is back with the service department and we are reading up on the Lemon law.
We can charge at home using level 1. We can do a level 2 charge at home provided we program it to charge before the economy period (11pm-6am), but there needs to be at least an hour between the time we set the delayed charge and the time it is supposed to start charging.
Trying to set an economy charge at 11pm with a departure time for 6:30 with precondition didn’t work. Some times giving up on th3 economy charge, I set it to charge immediately during the night and it would slowly charge as if it was on a level 1 charger instead of a level 2. The dealership kept it for over a week, updated the program and said they fixed the problem. That night it wouldn’t charge. The dealership said make sure we had at least 45 minutes between the end of the economy charge period and Departure time. That didn’t work. Eventually, sitting in the garage from 11:15 to 1 am I found it would charge if I set a three hour interval between the end of the economy charge period and Departure time (Economy 11pm-4am, departure 7 am). Next night those setting didn’t work. Sat there for 45 minutes that night and only got it to respond to the economy charge if I turned off the preconditioning.
The other weird thing we have noticed, when I go down to the garage to check on the economy charge at 11;15 pm, nothing happens until I press the BMW button on the key fob. Then the car comes to life and the Bosch charge starts to charge the car. (yes, the car doors are locked and the BMW app on my iPhone said it wasn’t charging)
So at this point the car is back with the service department and we are reading up on the Lemon law.