If you're referring to the climate control system always being on when starting your i3, using BimmerCode in standard mole, make the following changes to IHKA (Air Conditioning) module parameters:
Air conditioning on in AUTO mode: set to not active
With this change, the climate control system should be off when starting your i3.
However, if you'd like the IHKA module to recall the previous setting when starting your i3:
Air conditioning setting memory: set to active
I live in a warm climate year-round, never run the heater, and rarely have problems with windows fogging. When running the A/C, I want it to run as efficiently as possible which doesn't occur in automatic air recirculation mode ('A' led illuminated). Automatic mode brings in outside air unless contaminates are detected after which air recirculation mode is activated. Cooling warm outside air makes the A/C work harder, so I prefer always running in "air recirculation" mode ('M' led illuminated) which recirculates inside air at all times. I recognize that this wouldn't be ideal in other climates in which window fogging occurs on cool days.
Automatic air recirculation: set to not active
I don't know what would happen when this change is made because I've always made the following change which sets the air circulation mode when starting our i3 to the mode when it was previously shut down:
Air circulation setting memory: set to active