TJA ?, Traffic Jam Assist ?, I've done some research on it and I would like to try it.. which TJA module did you go with ? the one that goes in the steering wheel ? or a different one?
Are the lane markings in the Chicago area good enough to be caught by the camera?
I have the e-sys stuff (cable & software, although I need to update the software) and the IOS version of bimmercode on my ipad as well as a ODBC2 wifi adapter.
I recently had the airbag patch applied and everything was reset , I added the most important things back quickly (range extender @ 75%, extra Fuel, Rolls Royce sounds). but haven't got around to adding other fun stuff.
Also, I have the 20" "premium" wheels and I can't find any decent replacements.. Ideally I would like to have nice looking 19" wheels on all four corners with rotatable tires. the potholes in cook county are killing the 20"'s slowly but surely, and you can't get all weather tread on 20's.
anyone found any 19" aftermarket wheels that fit the I3 (I've seen the ones that tirerack supposedly sells, when I called they didn't have them in stock ) Rial x10's but have seen no reviews/feedback on them.