I came to use my i3 this evening and having unlocked the car tried to remove the charging cable which was not showing a green light, It was still locked. (last charging session finished at 05:30 this morning). I last used it yesterday and plugged in the charging cable for its overnight charge as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary noticed. I manually released the cable using the recommended method in the door frame ahead of the rear wheel arch. However, when I came to drive the car there was a warning on the dashboard, (not one that is covered or illustrated in the handbook,) which said “Unable to charge” The battery indicator is at 100% but the car won’t enter drive ready mode. Clearly the car thinks it is still connected to the charging cable, a fact possibly confirmed, as on removing the cable, I shut the flap and now it won’t open, even using the pull cord in the door frame.
Anyone any ideas, please?
Anyone any ideas, please?