Can't program Homelink Garage Door Opener

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2015
Hi, I have the i3 Tera with the Homelink garage door opener. We have a Genie garage door – the type with one red light on it. It uses rolling codes.

I have spent an hour following every tutorial I can find on YouTube, Google, etc. and of course the precise instructions detailed at Homelink's website:

Nothing works.

Has anyone managed to program a Genie to the i3? If so what on earth kind of genius are you?!
Mine works fine. If you have a rotating code actuator, it's a two step process. First is programming using the remote that came with the opener, then programming with the button on the actuator.
I had a similar problem with one of the door openers in my complex. Finally called the Homelink customer service line. As soon as I provided the rep with the transmitter brand and model number she told me it used a rolling code system that was not compatible. Since you've followed the basic directions and they don't work, find the customer service number and call to determine if your opener is compatible.
stumbledotcom said:
I had a similar problem with one of the door openers in my complex. Finally called the Homelink customer service line. As soon as I provided the rep with the transmitter brand and model number she told me it used a rolling code system that was not compatible. Since you've followed the basic directions and they don't work, find the customer service number and call to determine if your opener is compatible.

To add to this I am not sure if this relevant, but some newer garage openers offer a "compatibility" module for certain model cars. Usually it is for older cars, but you could see if there is something in the other direction.
All new, modern garage door openers sold in the USA seem to have the greenish/yellow indicator light. The older, red indicator is not compatible with any of the newer remotes. They've used this version for a number of years's not all that new. If it's important to you, you can often update the opener's board, but by the time you do that, it may be easier to just replace it with something modern which would also have the optical safety detectors and other safety features an old one may not have.
I have an old Genie opener. I found it you have to program the door opener by both syncing it to the car, then going to the actual motor/receiver unit and pushing another sync switch. By doing this, I got it to work. So, make certain you have actually actuated the receiver button on the motor/receiver.
Making the vehicle's Homelink device work is a two-step process. You have to 'teach' it your remote. THen, like any new remote, you have to pair it with the actual receiver. Most receivers (like the garage door opener) will only 'remember' a small number of remotes. So, depending on the one you have, adding a new one may cause another to be discarded.
Mine wouldn't program either, until I cleared the door opener of all codes. Seems that our unit will only store max of 10 codes and over time with several remotes and cars we already had used 10. Once you clear it you will have to reprogram the remotes/cars you still use or they wont work either.

Would of saved me frustration and been easier if it worked like jadnashuaah's and auto discard oldest code, but ours is an older unit and had to be cleared and start over.

You should be able to find your opener operating/programing guide online, at least that's how I resolved my issue.
Racked my brain for a minute until it hit me.
i3 - 2014 Tera
Genie 1/2 HP screwtrack opener model H6000. Red learning light. Bought at HDepot 2007.
Followed every set of instructions. This work on this model:
Disengage door lift to save opener motor.
Press 2 outer buttons in car for 20 seconds. Fast flashing- cleared memory
Press learning button on door drive unit. Light flashes. Presses car button 1 a few times - drive started working.
No holding car button and opener button at same time. No holding close.
Opener learn mode + press car button = taught.
I repeated for second garage door.

This is my first post. I just purchased a 2014 Rex and spent 2hrs figuring out how to program HomeLink to connect with my Genie garage door opener. The major brake through came from this PDF, that includes pictures of the different remotes, and what to look for from the actual motor as well:

Turns out I had to press the button on my remote for 10 seconds until it flashed "red & green" and then push the HomeLink button. Hope this helps save someone else an hour and 45 minutes of frustration :shock:
For my 2014 i3 I followed the BMW video.

First sync the garage opener remote to the car.
Push outer buttons on mirror until flashing then select the button on mirror you want to use while pressing garage door opener remote.(about 20 seconds)
After they are synced move on to sync i3 button to garage door motor

Press the learn button on the garage door motor, then press the selected and synced button on mirror a few times until door responds. (took me a few presses, maybe four)

Took me a few tries but this is the sequence that worked finally.

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