goto35 said:But someone told me the bigger gas tank is only for 2016 below models. is that right?
sipabit said:The logic with the coding is that the gas tank had to be dumbed down in operable size due to the percentage of miles vs the electric miles. To meet requirements, the gas range can't be even with the electric range nor even within close proximity. I forget the exact numbers but that's the logic. So since the newer models have significantly higher electric range, BMW doesn't have to lower the gas range to meet their requirements. The gas range is already low enough at the actual tank size. No need for them to dumb it down.
Those familiar with the negotiations between the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and BMW that led to the creation of the new BEVx class of extended range battery electric vehicles have written that to qualify as a BEVx vehicle, the i3 REx had to have less gasoline range than electric-only range. To meet this requirement, the amount of gasoline that could be used was restricted by software rather than gasoline tank size. Only North American i3 REx's had this software limit that can be eliminated by changing the values of parameters that set this limit (a.k.a. coding).robthebold said:I'm not sure "dumbed down" is quite the term I'd use when it was done to make one eligible for tax and utility incentives and perhaps other benefits. It wouldn't have helped me specifically, but would have made the car more affordable for some folks.