Since my destinations vary along with the traffic and terrain, it is not uncommon for me to drive 5-10 miles and not see the range estimate drop from where it started! This is because, the previous trip(s) weren't either driven in the most economical way, there were lots of short segments, or it was colder, or, I didn't precondition the vehicle and my current trip is more energy use friendly.
Your gas gauge on your ICE may say full, but depending on whether you're driving stop and go in the city or out non-stop on the highway, if it has an estimated range to empty, it can vary all over the place and not represent what you are going to get THIS trip. On my ICE, I can see anywhere from 275 to 550 miles on a tank...all depending on how and where it is driven. RIght now, it says 350 miles to empty, and since most of the next miles will be in the city, I'll get nowhere near that. It is a guess based on previous use, that's all.
You had to learn your last vehicles' capabilities, you have to do the same with the i3. The tools aren't perfect or omniscient; they're guesses. Educated guesses, but still, just a guess.