Bimmercode App experience?

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So I drove to Spring City, TN to watch the eclipse and try to take some photos. Using the REx, I filled up:
  • 2.320 gal
  • 2.344 gal
  • 2.327 gal

I still don't know how to use the expert mode to inspect and set specific values. I'll contact the developer and discuss options.

Bob Wilson
Hi Bob,
thanks for the review and walk through of the BimmerCode app.
I don't have a REX, but having programmed my BEV a few times using e-sys on a laptop I appreciate the attempt of making the mobile app.
From the DEMO mode it seems that the Expert Mode of BimmerCode works similarly to e-sys on a laptop, as in you can choose to alter any entry with a custom value. Please let us know if you are successful.
If you get a hold of the developer try to get the person to include more detailed descriptions of the different entries, this is possible in e-sys as a comment. E.g see this screenshot (disregard red arrows, but look at the line with the label "kommentar").
Thanks Bob, for all the great information is this and other threads.

Did the tank expansion with bimmercode tonihht and wanted to run the results past you and others to make sure I'm ok and all set.

Here's the run down:

Connected to OBD reader and opened app
Instrument Cluster > increase electronically limited fuel capacity > (change to) Active
Back out to Instrument Cluster main page
Press Code button

The panel reset and an error message appeared on the screen regarding the collision avoidance system. I waited a minute or so and then turned the car off then on again.
When it came on I got an error on the instrument display to set the date and time. I did not see any additional collision avoidance error.
I set the date and time and everything seemed normal.

Now I am looking at the car status via the iremote app and seems to be showing the gas tank full even though it was about 3/4 full prior to coding the change. Seems like it should be showing it more empty not less.

Does any on that seem normal? I do have s vague memory of seeing a similar collision error in another thread but can't be sure.

Did you have to change any other settings via expert mode or was the single change described above all that was needed?

Excellent detail which matched my initial experience. That is why I burned off the gas and started measuring the refueling. After five tanks, all I've been able to add is 2.31-2.32 gallons. That is why I am curious if any of the other coding systems have been able to increase the capacity to 2.4 but there is a wild card.

It looks like the EPA was able to draw about 2.8 gallons from the tank.

Bob Wilson
I do not know the details on the BMW's i3 fuel pump, but on some of their cars...they just do not like to be run dry which means, there is some unusable fuel left in there. Depending on how they calculate maximum volume, what you're seeing may be normal. On the Cessna airplane that I fly sometimes, while it has 54g combined with both tanks, you can only get about 50g out of them reliably. That is for a different reason, though...that doesn't even have a fuel pump and relies entirely on gravity.

I'm anxiously awaiting delivery of the Vgate OBD interface to code my i3 REx.

From the awesome details in this thread, i believe i need to set the "Range Extender Menu" to Active.

What about the other option, "Range Extender battery activation level"? Does it actually work. So if it set to say 20%, the i3 will use that value constantly from then on?

Feeling the same. I ordered the interface last night - arriving next week, fingers crossed.

Also doubled down and purchased the Android version of the app - to support the dev.
Received the Vgate module today and immediately coded my i3 for the following:

- Get rid of the disclaimer
- Hold State of Charge
- Start up in Eco Pro Mode

So far worked as expected. The bimmercode app is so easy to use.

At least on the IOS app, the "Range Extender battery activation level" option only goes from 1-6% in 1% increments. So can't change to any other value that I prefer but no issues there since I can now activate the REx whenever at or below 75% SOC. So all good.
I just found this area of the forum so this is sort of a cross post, sorry but I felt this might be a better place for my question.

Does the lane change directional blink count setting in BimmerCode work with the latest firmware updates (2014 i3Rex)?

I can't get anything but 3 blinks...I have tried the simple setting and a few alternatives in the advanced mode but still 3 blinks.
(I didn't not expect the Menu to change but kinda expected if I set it to 5 I would get either none or 5 if Triple blink was disabled/enabled)

Can anyone tell me what the Auto Start/Stop features do how (if) they work in the i3?
I would really like a way to exit my i3 but keep it's readiness state so that my maintain state of charge would not be lost.

I kinda assumed that BimmerCode knew what sort of vehicle you were coding and limited options to things that were possible, now I am not so sure. I would love to see pop ups or something that explained each option in clear and simple fashion...

FrancisAi3 said:
At least on the IOS app, the "Range Extender battery activation level" option only goes from 1-6% in 1% increments. So can't change to any other value that I prefer but no issues there since I can now activate the REx whenever at or below 75% SOC. So all good.

Found an esys document - "BMW Coding Parameters - I01- for i3 series" - that says the activation level can be coded in 0.5% increments. The setting is in KOMBI(or BKOMBI module)/3000-SOC_HOLD_POSITION. There's no upper limit mentioned on the value but in an example, it mentioned that to code 12%, the value must be set to 0x18 (18 hex/base16 = 24).

I'm using the Android version of the app (no Expert Mode) so I've no way to check if the setting is available in Expert mode without the 6% limit on the value.

Can the iOS app users please confirm?

Just noticed that the App just went thru an update. Anyone see what's new? In the update it says vsg update; not being an expert I'm not sure what that means.

Anyone tried it?

-Anyone tried making the DRL brighter if so care to share how?
Received my Vgate today. Could not wait to code the "On Hold" feature and it worked perfectly, although I held my breath through the whole process. Whats the most popular things people code? Also, will BMW void the warranty if the find out?
Most popular code seems to be manually hold state of charge.
Coding won't void your warranty unless BMW can prove it caused a problem. However, if you get a software update from the dealer, it will wipe out all your coding and you'll have to do it again.

Didn't see something différent with the new version (except less bog message).

My favorite Coding is the option to Start with the eco + mode.

Question: I Try to desactive the roof top alarm. Someone can help ?

(French speaker from Montreal)

Just to clarify something...

Does BimmerCode app allow the removal of the tank limit in the "standard" menu? Or does one need to be in expert mode to code that function?

And if it is in the standard menu, does it trigger an error until the system reboots?

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