Backup camera sometimes doesn't work?

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2016
Huntsville, AL

In this recent spat of hot weather, there have been three times when the backup camera did not come on. Other times, it would. This evening, I got the impression if I rapidly switched from D to R it might not come on.

Any insights?

Bob Wilson
Same here. When the car sits in the heat the cabin gets really hot, the backup camera won't display. It must be the electronics in the cabin. As soon as I open the windows or turn in ac and start driving, everything works again.
From the manual - "In the case of very high temperatures on the Control Display, e.g. due to intense solar radiation, the brightness may be reduced down to complete deactivation. Once the temperature is reduced, e.g. through shadow or climate control system, the normal functions are re-established."

Could this be the reason?
"When the car sits in the heat the cabin gets really hot, the backup camera won't display"....

I park outside for 8 hours in 110+ temperatures...the camera has always worked.
Perhaps check this at the stealership.
Mine backup camera hasn't displayed a few times recently as well. The screen didn't show a blank image: it just continued showing the same display as it was showing before I shifted into reverse.
jadnashuanh said:
Is it possible you might have pressed on the I-drive controller button? That can switch the functionality.
It is possible because I'll often get the iPhone-USB interface working before driving off. That way I don't have to fiddle with it on the road.

Could you explain how the I-drive could effect a change? Any specific operation? Any way to 'reverse' it?

I really don't want to fiddle with the iPhone before getting on the road but I do need to back out of the driveway.

Bob Wilson
Once you're in reverse, there's a menu on the left similar to the nav screen''s possible to activate something if the timing is just right before you might see the actual normal screen. Next time you get the reverse camera screen up, play with the various options there.
Eventually the backup camera failed hard so I took it to the dealer this morning and they loaned me a 'Series 2.':

  • Text to service rep - "Missing my i3 already. Quiet and off the mark, wicked fast."

I posted the details in PriusChat:

  • This summer, the backup camera would randomly not work. I told the dealer and they repeated the stuff already in the manual. Regardless, they wanted me to wait. Then about 10 days ago, it stopped working all together so I dropped it off at the 'spa' and they loaned me a 'Series 2:'

    • Too low - feels like I'm sitting down on a lounge chair
    • 40 acres to turn around - I mean D*mn!
    • Gears! GEARS!! - GACK!!!
    • Auto-stop at a light - just reminds me of how quiet the BMW i3 is all the time
    • Stupid cruise control ... I could drive our 2010 Prius
    • No collision detect ...
    • Engine is a wind-up toy ... supposed to be over 200 HP but feels like a hangover

    I'm going to see if a co-worker will follow me to the dealer and drop me off at home. I really don't like this loaner.

So they have to order the part that should be in next week,"Do you want to keep the loaner until then?" In nice words, I said I'd be right over to pick it up.

Bob Wilson
Check doors are all locked Cameras wont work if doors are not closed. Reopen and shut boot down.
A sign may appear ! Doors are still open.
Close them and it should fix your issue.
Other technical issues could lead to faulty camera.