app charging problems

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Jul 21, 2024
Hi. I have a 2019 i3. Until recently I was able to set the charging window from the app giving a start and end time and a departure time.
Now the app tells me it has updated the car and set the timer but when I plug the car in it starts charging immediately. The app still says the window is set and doesn't acknowledge that the car is actually charging.

Anyone come across this problem or got any ideas please?
Yes - there are a couple of situations which will cause this to happen. Firstly if the battery SOC is below a certain low threshold it will start charging immediately - IIRC that threshold is 12% but I have never run my battery that low (because I mainly do short local journeys). Secondly, the car's internal charger will attempt to calculate whether the schedule you have set will result in a fully charged battery by the set Departure Time. If it calculates that it will not, the internal charger will start charging as soon as you plug in.