Any way to swap key fob "internals"?

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2018
I have the newer key fob with the i8 rear trunk opening icon on the "trunk" button. But I have it coded to open the frunk instead. I would like the key fob to have the right picture (specifically for my wife, I don't care.)

But, as we all know, a key fob can't be reprogrammed to work on another i3.

So... If I buy a "proper i3 picture frunk opening" key fob from eBay, is there a way to swap the internals so that my "works with my car" guts are in the "right picture on the button" fob? (Or, conversely, is it possible to swap the button?)
As opposed to just the small battery cover on the back , has anyone split the FOB body open front and back ? Does it snap back together afterward ?
I have not "split" the keyfob but it has come apart by itself after a drop. Look at this thread:
You'll see that the metal strips on both sides of the buttons come apart (often by themselves when dropped). If one of them is removed then the buttons can be easily pulled out and replaced. Then you have to snap the metal strip back in place.
Thanks for the link to that thread. One eBay auction I see for "front trunk" button fobs comes with two. Maybe I'll get that one, and "practice" my dismantling on one of them...