8 presets not working properly

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2016
Toronto Ontario Canada
Our 8 presets would work and stop working at random times. We took the car in to get a couple of recalls done so we mentioned this to the service technician. He reported that there was nothing wrong with the car and that each set of keys had separate presets associated with them. Who knew? So we have programmed both sets of keys to have the same presets.

I share this info in case there are others who didn't learn this during their briefing on vehicle features.
The memory system is typical BMW. Technically the key fob simply engages one of the stored driver profiles. If you're using the key associated with the other profile, you can manually switch to yours in iDrive. Settings > Profiles. There you can also select a Guest profile so a third person can drive without altering your presets, mirrors, or 11 other settings. Importantly the Profiles menu also lets export your profiles to a USB flash drive. A step you should take before having the car serviced or the software updated.
Just in case the excellent reply by stumbledotcom was not clear, each of your two keys has their own profile. You are seeing the presets change most probably because you are driving the car with the two different keys where the profile switches depending on which key is being used at the time. You can override the key you are using with the iDrive to select the other key's profile, or a guest profile.
Thank you for your excellent responses. Newfangled features take some getting used to. Will be touring Fortress of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia today so don't expect to run into any high tech issues. Not much charging infrastructure out here so we didn't drive the i3.
And you can rename the profiles to your personal names to make them easier to remember which is which :D
Many people are loath to ever consider reading the user's manual, and I must say, BMW's, because of the large number of potential options, can be a little hard to interpret sometimes, but, when you consider the complexity of the vehicle...it really makes sense to read the silly thing! In fact, it's not a bad idea to reread the thing a couple of times as you become more familiar with the car to remind yourself of some of the 'features' and foibles of its operation. The vast majority of questions can be answered by careful reading of your ~$50K purchase. Today's cars are not like those of even a few years ago...they're rolling mega computers. And, to take advantage of the things you've purchased, you owe it to yourself to understand a bit more about it than the features of a 'generic' car's capabilities.