3 Taps of the unlock key

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New member
Oct 7, 2016
This may be in the manual but I cant find it...

If you tap the unlock key three times, the window winds down half way upon opening the door. When you close the door the window goes back up.

Why? I cant think of a reasonable purpose for this.

Incidentally this only occurs on our 94Ah i3. It doesnt work on the 6 month old 1st Gen i3 we have.

Any ideas?
An update.

Its a result of the 'comfort' setting under the key actions part of the system.

When in comfort mode it winds windows down 1/2 way. In normal mode it lowers them a few mm to make opening/closing easier.

Odd. No idea how that benefits anyone.
I didn't know about holding down the unlock to open the windows.

It's a great feature to let the hot air out before you enter the car.
ASUN said:
I didn't know about holding down the unlock to open the windows.

It's a great feature to let the hot air out before you enter the car.
or let the rain in when you put the fob in your pocket and run away from your car in a rainstorm, not realizing your phone was pinching the button.