2017 i3 Rex EME Repair $14,000 USD? Is this for real?

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God forbid I should have to deal with an EME problem myself, and sorry for those who are doing so.
I have to wonder if anyone has gotten into these on their own, the kind of thing that I often did when I was younger and much poorer, so wouldn't have considered going to a dealer for (yes, I often ruined stuff this way, but learned a lot in the process.) Here's a video from youtube showing how simple the disassembly of the EME is. I suppose there's a reason they're doing it on a bench and not in the car (which would be much quicker). The video only shows you what you'd be faced with if you wanted to replace either or both of the PC boards within - nothing about diagnostics, nor post-installation re-setting if needed.
But as a DIY-occasional-ruiner of such stuff, I had to wonder...a year or two ago, our laser-printer died. Authorized repair cost would have exceeded the replacement cost of the printer as a whole, so I dug into it myself (prolly would have regardless because of the time involved in even getting a unit like this in for service). Turned out the only PC board in the machine, identified by numbers on the board itself, wasn't hard to find on AliExpress, and I think it was around $25. The biggest problem I encountered on reinstalling was that it was about six weeks later, so my memory of the tricky plastic-panels and interlocks assembly sequence was a bit tattered, but it's working fine again.
God forbid I should have to deal with an EME problem myself, and sorry for those who are doing so.
I have to wonder if anyone has gotten into these on their own, the kind of thing that I often did when I was younger and much poorer, so wouldn't have considered going to a dealer for (yes, I often ruined stuff this way, but learned a lot in the process.)
Replacing individual electronic components might be possible. I don't know of any circuit diagrams that are available, so knowing what to replace would require more electronics smarts than I have. Replacing circuit boards might be the lowest level repair possible. However, there are different EME versions, so it could be tricky finding the correct replacement board. I doubt that AliExpress would sell them. Maybe used EME circuit boards could be found on Ebay. But then it's likely that a replacement board would need to be registered with some electronic controller so that the proper software could be installed during a software update. Complex stuff…