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  1. Joe

    found a good source for wipers

    Sure but there is so much stuff that comes from the same source with a different label and big price difference I don't think you can assume you're getting better quality by paying more these days. They at least seem better than my original ones so far but will post an update if they don't last.
  2. Joe

    found a good source for wipers

    I had a good experience with this seller (the Midoon store if the link ever breaks) sent from China to Australia for less than half the price of locally sourced and seem good quality. They sent me a 30" wiper to replace the 28" I bought at...
  3. Joe

    disabling blower fan on start

    OK, it's still coming on every time but at least I've worked out that if I set it to blow at my feet only I no longer have the directional flaps opening and closing whenever I start and stop.
  4. Joe

    disabling blower fan on start

    Not in this case, I hadn't changed it for maybe a week and the fan came on again this morning so gone back to thinking it's based on temperature or something but who knows.
  5. Joe

    disabling blower fan on start

    and today I jumped in without making any changes and the fan didn't come on, maybe it's checking temperature or humidity before turning on.
  6. Joe

    disabling blower fan on start

    Hmm thanks but I made all those changes before and retried recently yet the fan still turns on setting 1 if I turned it off before I turned the car off. I also usually have recirc on M and when I turn the fan off I can hear what I think is a flap open or close every time no matter whatever I...
  7. Joe

    disabling blower fan on start

    I've tried a few bimmercode settings, maybe I have to dig into expert mode but has anyone been able to disable the fan coming on every time?
  8. Joe

    Going to out of town for a week - leave plugged in or unplugged

    It's not that smart, I believe the reason the I3 has lower degradation than most regularly charging to full is due to the low nickel content of the battery but other general advice still applies like charge rate and the long term state of charge in high temperatures. The 60ah and 94ah are...
  9. Joe

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Yeah 63 single phase, 32 3 phase.. I have 80A 3 phase but I don't want to risk dropping to 32 and being a limitation down the track, apparently the earlier version of these new regs were worse and people were compensated max $250 to switch it out again.
  10. Joe

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Nice, didn't know about those but I'm hesitant to get any electrical work done as new regulations in the west require we downgrade our 80A main switch / circuit breaker to 32A for some reason.
  11. Joe

    Charging 80 or 100%

    No I haven't been able to connect with bluetooth, it said you can in the app but I figured it wasn't working because I couldn't add my vehicle to begin with. I was hoping to be able to at least watch charge % since I can't set a limit but I might just look into getting a charger with a timer.
  12. Joe

    Charging 80 or 100%

    I have a 2017 in Australia too and bought it just after BMW shut down 3G access prematurely (Telstra 3G is still running). I found I couldn't even add my car to the BMW app as it tells me about the shut down but then says you will still be able to connect via bluetooth or USB so maybe check if...
  13. Joe

    Going to out of town for a week - leave plugged in or unplugged

    ed: Is there even an option delete comments here?
  14. Joe

    changing up the look of the rear

    I think what it is for me is it makes the car look skinnier than it is and I think they tried to address that with the horizontal line with the 2018 update. I'm not sure what you mean by parts of the number but here's where one of the pics came from which describes what he did...
  15. Joe

    Instrument cluster not turning off

    Yeah it's possible I'm mistaken that it went off too but I vaguely recall taking note that it did and it seems hard to miss.
  16. Joe

    Instrument cluster not turning off

    I'm pretty sure that both screens used to turn off when I hit start/stop a second time, now just the idrive screen does and I think the other goes off after like 15 mins or something. Is there an option to make them both turn off besides locking the doors?
  17. Joe

    Has anyone tried adjusting the REX?

    So apparently the REX is detuned by like 40% due to regulations rather than longevity and it only just manages to hold charge at around 65mph. Has anyone tried tweaking it to handle slightly faster highway speeds or perhaps the safer option of bumping it up a little at lower speeds to gain some...
  18. Joe

    Carrying Cargo 'n Things with Our i3's...

    Good idea, you can do that with the CX5 without removing the bench, not entirely flat though.
  19. Joe

    Carrying Cargo 'n Things with Our i3's...

    I'm hoping to be able to modify the passenger seat to lay flat one way or another as you can with some other cars.
  20. Joe

    Video of the I3 factory

    The amount of special tooling and processes that went into the I3 is crazy to me.