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  1. S

    Coding the i3

    Art, I've tried parallels and ended up creating a Windows partition on my MacBook Pro. Rarely use it. Dell advertised today, a $350 laptop with Windows 10, hard disk, all the bells and whistles for <$400. Just buy a cheap laptop.
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    Waiting for Delivery. What should I be doing?

    Jim, couldn't agree more. I use the cruise control every minute I'm driving. One bar distance in town, 2 bars on the freeway.
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    Help: CA HOV Decals - do I need the license plate first?

    No one knows, it's up to the legislature .
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    Help!Dented front bumper on leased i3Rex

    If it's just a dent, it may be able to be pushed out from behind.
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    Buy a 2014 or Lease a 2015?

    Art, your perspective has not been influenced by a catastrophic engine failure, mine has. ;)
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    Buy a 2014 or Lease a 2015?

    I bought mine a year ago. I had never leased a car, ever, and was not well versed in spotting a good lease deal at the time. So I bought my i3 In hindsight, after a year of ownership, I believe these cars should only be leased. They are like smartphones were early on. The technology is...
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    Did you pay tax on the $7500 rebate?

    Oops, I bought mine.
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    i3 rex wiring diagram/workshop manual

    Never mind Alohart beat me to it.
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    Reverse Engineering the BMW i3 API

    and the i3 app does that.
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    Did you pay tax on the $7500 rebate?

    If I'm not mistaken, it's a tax credit not a rebate. Assuming you owe federal taxes in the tax year you buy the i3, you deduct $7500 from the net taxes owe. That's what we did. In California there was also a rebate of $2500. I think I paid taxes on that.
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    Software update / Mileage improvement

    I noticed the same thing. I also got a tiny boost in miles/KWh but my batteries were also replaced.
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    tires prone to puncture?

    I know your correct, but I've had 40 years of positive reinforcement. I know what's safe and when it's time to buy another tire. I just don't take it to the race track.
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    tires prone to puncture?

    At home, I use a pair of side cutters to grip and extract screws, nails, other miscellaneous puncture objects from my tires before plugging. They provide a great way to pry out nasty objects. I've been plugging tires for years. At home, I use Safety Seal products and a new untried motorcycle...
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    For those of you that carry gas in your frunk....

    I'm finding the same thing, could have taken a bev instead. I find most of the time my use of the Rex is maintenance mode.
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    For those of you that carry gas in your frunk....
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    Trying to go Solar

    I installed a 10,000kwh system 7 years ago. I purchased it outright with the fed and state credits and rebates. At the time, micro inverters were not proven to be reliable so I have two large inverters. The advantage of the micro inverter is that there is one for every panel, so if one panel...
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    Pictures of my new i3 and my first mod

    Scottinoregon is correct. If you Google "i3 wheels", you can see for yourself. The wheels may not circulate airflow through the wheels correctly if rotated backwards.
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    My new i3 REx

    Nice, Kodachrome simulation?