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  1. M

    Rear sensors constantly on

    Sorry, should have made it clear that the rear sensors are only complaining either when the car is in reverse of when a front sensor also is triggered.
  2. M

    Rear sensors constantly on

    Just this morning all my rear proximity sensors are triggering. I have washed them all, but it is still doing it. Any ideas? 2016 BEV
  3. M

    Change default driving mode?

    I hear you. Thanks for your advice.
  4. M

    Change default driving mode?

    Thanks for that vreihen. I may wait to see how much other stuff I might want to change. Disappointed that you have to buy extra stuff just to change some basic user settings :shock: I found some inexpensive bluetooth ODB II adaptors on AliExpress. I know you get what you pay for, but I don't...
  5. M

    Any members in New Zealand ?

    Yeah, mine was a UK car. I'd give AutoGravity a call and see what they advise. Good luck.
  6. M

    Any members in New Zealand ?

    MagicCarpet, I had the NZ maps sent to me on a USB stick from Gravity 379 Dominion Rd Mt Eden. Phone 09 6390168. It was a doddle to load.
  7. M

    Any members in New Zealand ?

    Yes. Recently bought a 2016 BEV i3 33kwh. Located in Rotorua. Finding this forum very useful :-)
  8. M

    Change default driving mode?

    Ahh Coding! I've seen references to coding on here. Do I understand that to engage in the art of coding I have to: buy a a spacial cable (ODB?), pay BMW for some sort of coding key (how does one get to pay for this)? I would have thought that such changing of defaults was a basic user...
  9. M

    Change default driving mode?

    Hi, new to i3. My car starts in Comfort mode. Is there a way to get it to start in EcoPro by default?
  10. M

    Reading Batt Kapa from hidden menu

    Doh! Yes, that was the problem. Thanks for that. :oops:
  11. M

    Reading Batt Kapa from hidden menu

    Hi, I've had an i3 for about a month. I intend to monitor the battery capacity through the hidden menu at the start of every month. When I got the car I managed to access the "hidden menus" on the heads up screen. (hold the button on the side of the screen for 10 secs). Now, when I try to access...
  12. M

    Electric charge insufficient

    Well, I found that Doncaster, England was the preferred charge station: I live in New Zealand. Couldn't see how to delete that, so I set my home as a new preferred charge station and it seems to have fixed it. Thanks. I didn't delete "all stored data" as I have just loaded 16Gb of music onto...
  13. M

    Electric charge insufficient

    Thanks. I'll try that tomorrow. :-)
  14. M

    Electric charge insufficient

    My first post on here. Bought a 2016 BEV a couple of weeks ago - so I'm right at the bottom of the learning curve. For the past week whenever I turn the car onto Drive, I get a warning in the centre display, saying "Electric charge insufficient": with a red icon. The next line says "Find...