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  1. J

    new batterires real world range

    Where on earth did these quotes come from?
  2. J

    Faster driving question

    No problem with 94 Summer or Winter. Ok with 60 if you drive slowly.
  3. J

    Comparing BMW i3 vs break-even mileage

    From Electricity Grid the wheels the efficiency is about 75%. Grid transmission efficiency ~ 98% in the UK, adjust for the US. Converter efficiency in rapid charger ~ 94% (you can find these on the manufacturers' brochures. Or the Converter efficiency within the car for fast of slow chargers...
  4. J

    new batterires real world range

    Given that the latest i3 is essentially the same as the older one except a bigger capacity battery then 'real world' range is whatever you were getting in the old car in the 'real world' times 27.2/18.8. For most of us that's an increase from 80miles to 115 miles.
  5. J

    Argonne data analysis of REx

    Agreed, but for the ReX there are three 'Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedules" all of which are less onerous than the US06 'hooner' cycle.
  6. J

    Argonne data analysis of REx

    The file you have chosen to analyse is the US06 cycle which "was developed to address the shortcomings with the FTP-75 test cycle in the representation of aggressive, high speed and/or high acceleration driving behavior, rapid speed fluctuations, and driving behavior following startup. SFTP...
  7. J

    New i3 book

    now also on Issuu for those who don't have an iTunes account.
  8. J

    Argonne data analysis of REx

    Bob. That's a very interesting second pass graph. Thanks very much. David
  9. J

    New i3 book

    Over 350 copies of my book now sold. Thanks to everyone. DJB.
  10. J

    New i3 book

    Once the car has been 'started' by the 12v battery all of the low voltage systems are powered by the DC to DC link from the HV battery through the EME. This link can handle 2500W.
  11. J

    New i3 book

    The nominal gross capacity of the battery is 96 cells x 60Ah x 3.75v = 21.6kWhrs Max cell voltage is 4.1v which would equate to 23.62kWhrs but it would be instantaneous as voltage would drop as soon as you start to use it. There is a reserved amount both top and bottom and once you subtract that...
  12. J

    New i3 book

    This may be helpful to you in establishing the battery capacity - there are four BEVs and four BEVxs. It's important to remember that battery capacity isn't absolute. It varies with temperature but more importantly it varies...
  13. J

    New i3 book

    John Murray. Thanks for your comments. I downloaded your book about a year ago when I bought my i3 and very much enjoyed reading it. Very professionally put together. I think our books are complementary.
  14. J

    New i3 book

    Great to hear that you like the book. It took quite a bit of time to put it together. Would appreciate it if you could post a review on the iTunes iBook site. So far I have over 200 sales/downloads. David Bricknell
  15. J

    REx Class Action Lawsuit

    The BEV goes into 'restricted driving' or limp mode at 4.9%SOC whereas the Rex goes into restricted driving at 1.9%SOC - The ReX has a longer unrestricted range than the BeV.
  16. J

    How much does the 94 Al weigh?

    Sorry. Drive inverter around 94%.
  17. J

    How much does the 94 Al weigh?

    Motor efficiency is 97% and drive inverter can be as high as 99%. Efficiency is fairly flat above about 25 mph, below that it drops away.
  18. J

    Traveling too far to get home? (Irresponsibly or Otherwise)

    Best thing to do is to drive more slowly - it's the most effective way to increase range.
  19. J

    i3 BEV tire size comparsion

    Get the BMW Laptimer App from the iTunes Store. It will record 0-62 as well as lap times.
  20. J

    Air Condition Does Not Always Blow Cool Air, Even in Comfort

    It's not normal operation but it's not unusual. Just turn it off and back on again and it usually fixes itself.