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  1. Z

    Why not use the airco as heatpump

    I don't understand why BMW doesn't use the airco system (compressor + evaporator + condenser + expansion valve) also as a heatpump system by just adding a 4 way-valve. It saves the cost, weight and space for an extra system. And not te be forgotten, the electricity consumption of a resistance...
  2. Z

    Ordered my i3 at Friday the 13th......

    Let's see what happens... :D Regards, Zwerius
  3. Z

    Bio ethanol

    Since in many countries nowadays a certain percentage of bio ethanol is added to gasoline, I assume that there will be no problems with rubber /gaskets etc. in the i3, like they sometimes occured in older cars. In many European countries 5% bio ethanol is added, in some countries (like Germany)...
  4. Z

    BMW i battery certificate

    Does anyone know where I can find the BMW i battery certificate. I know it's included in the package when you buy the car, but that's a little like "you can read the contract after signing it". It must be available somewhere right? Buy the way I took a test drive in the Rex version last week...
  5. Z

    Ask Tom........

    I had an official newsletter from BMW (Netherlands), stating that the price for the REX-version will be € 39,990.-
  6. Z

    official price release for Belgium and Luxembourg

    Pressrelease (in Dutch): In Belgium € 35,500.- In Luxembourg: € 33,750.- Both prices including Taxes. Regards, Zwerius
  7. Z

    Best guess at list price

    Today I found that the US price will be lower than $35k ??? Look here:
  8. Z

    Paying for Friends Electricity App

    Wouldn't it be possible to just use one of those plug-in kWh-meters. As long as your charging from a 230V connection it wouldn't be that hard I think... Just do a google search for: plugin kWh meter Regards, Zwerius Kriegsman
  9. Z

    range extender running on alcohol?

    Looking a little further ahead, it might be a good idea if the range extender could run on alcohol instead of gasoline.. Or will it be possible with the range extender as it is? Regards, Zwerius Kriegsman
  10. Z

    Welcome to the BMW i3 Forum

    Hello guys, I'm also new here. I already managed to transform my house from energy consuming into energy supplying. There are still some changes on the way, so that I can even drive an i3, without the need to buy the electricity.... Like to see how? Look over here...