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  1. S

    Crack in front windscreen

    My 2 cents: You're playing with fire if you go non-OEM glass at this point in the i3 lifecycle. This isn't a Toyota Camry we're talking about here.
  2. S

    CHADEMO adapter for i3?

    BMW has already announced ALL of their cars will come with a plug-in version (most being hybrid of course) by 2022. I imagine at some point between now and then BMW will require the NA dealer network to have at least one CCS charger.
  3. S

    How to access stored videos

    Storing and accessing music on the 20 GB is easy but has anyone done the same with video? It seems that it took the video during an "import new" but I cannot find any way to access it, only music. I did the coding that allows video, video while moving, and storage of video to the hard drive.
  4. S

    Car temporarily immobile at low SOC

    They send an email automatically based on state of charge while at rest? That's interesting...
  5. S

    Car temporarily immobile at low SOC

    I think you are correct on this theory. I've been in AZ in June and it's definitely an extreme climate for humans and cars (including ICE).
  6. S

    'Premium sound'... not so fast.

    I tried out the built-in hard drive of my car today and found it works rather well IMO. - Import was one-click, it even looked through the folders. - You can save songs to playlists and mark favorites. - You can create a "Genius" playlist based on the current song playing (did not try this...
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    2016 i3 update

    Interesting one line of news buried here. I read somewhere else this will be announced "soon" though my guess is it will happen towards the fall.
  8. S

    Fan noise while car is at home charging

    From what was said above, the cooling should only come on at higher (80+ F) ambient temps. Where I am, that's probably only 3 months out of a year.
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    Fan noise while car is at home charging

    Thanks Tom. I bet every single owner that has heard this noise while parked has at least wondered if there's a problem.
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    REx usage after 5.1k miles

    Ha, I'm going to steal this expression. :mrgreen:
  11. S

    What's a good lease price on this i3?

    You should check the edmunds lease thread on the i3.
  12. S

    Fan noise while car is at home charging

    Have not used the REx since delivery on June 6th. I can see now why some were complaining you can't display the battery temp anywhere.the car is probably functioning normally but it's still nice to verify.
  13. S

    Worn drivers seat

    Software updates will reset things to default and the GPS default is "off".
  14. S

    Worn drivers seat

    Funny enough I now saw this once on my own car after using the rear door. I did close it lightly that time and apparently that was not enough!
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    REx usage after 5.1k miles

    2.15p is about 3 cents USD. Thanks, that's inline with my calculations. Hmm yeah I see it apparently does show this in the app. I'm at 4.3 mi/kWh over 528 miles. Not bad at all!
  16. S

    Electrician quotes higher than expected

    I'll definitely keep an eye on any changes for 2015 tax year, thanks. Decided to just install a single receptacle for now as I can always add another one should the need arise and I can't predict what type will be needed.
  17. S

    Fan noise while car is at home charging

    I noticed a noise today while my i3 is in the garage charging. I've not noticed this before. It sounds like a low power air compressor, very similar (if not the same) as the noise I heard when the car is preconditioning using the AC. Is this normal? What is it doing? My only guess is cooling...
  18. S

    Electrician quotes higher than expected

    Was there a federal rebate on chargers before? I've only heard of state rebates on those.
  19. S

    Snap-in USB Smartphone adapter for Google Nexus 5 or 6?

    There is a USB port you can connect to under the armrest. I think the snap-in adapter is completely unnecessary and I doubt BMW will make more of them. Judging by the selection they already stopped making new models years ago.
  20. S

    front tire fluttering sound

    I don't believe bearings are any sort of emergency, just annoying and could affect range. I personally doubt the issue is a bearing though.