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  1. I3drivei3

    Fix for CFRB delamination

    Great job on this repair! My roof is just starting to delaminate. I have a 2015 i3Rex. How did you apply the resin? With a brush?
  2. I3drivei3

    Is the maintenance plan worth $600?

    Changing the cabin filters is awkward, but can be done. I did it last month in about 15 minutes. It's in a strange place and difficult to get the old filters out and insert the new filters. They almost appear to be too small to fit! But a little wiggle and they eventually were set. I was told...
  3. I3drivei3

    Any real limit to running REX?

    May I ask why you lock the brake while refueling? I am assuming this keeps the car "on" and allows you to see something that you couldn't see with the car off. Thanks.
  4. I3drivei3

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    I get a similar message when heading into a setting sun. The sun messes with the camera and the system shuts down the TJA.
  5. I3drivei3

    Replacement high voltage batteries

    I recently purchased a top of the line 2015 i3REX with 60,000 miles in fantastic condition for $12,000. It just had the high voltage batteries replaced under warranty, so the car feels brand new to me. The previous owner had 69% left on the batteries so BMW replaced them. I feel like I got a...
  6. I3drivei3

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    Yes, I have my coded for the minimum distance (and that can also be adjusted manually by cycling through the "reduce distance" top button on the cruise control settings), but as your speed gets faster, the distance followed also increases. When in traffic, that leaves enough gap for others to...
  7. I3drivei3

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    I installed the jumper behind my steering wheel and had Premium Retrofit code it for me. It was a fairly easy installation. I use it under 40 mph and it works fine as long as the lines in the road are painted clearly and the sun isn't directly in front of me. The only issue is it tends to...
  8. I3drivei3

    Bridgestone EP500 tires

    Hello, I am a new 2015 BMW i3 REX owner. I have coded it with all the bells and whistles and added the traffic lane assist (good under about 45 MPH). It's without a doubt one of my favorite cars I have ever owned. I also loved my Merkur XR4TI. This car is similar in that its a bit quirky and if...
  9. I3drivei3

    What does your "miles to empty" show when full?

    I have about 70 miles on my 2015 REX gas and about 82 on battery when full. That said I coded the i3 to use the full tank of gas and I turn on the REX at 50-60% when driving for more than 50 miles. I rarely use comfort mode.
  10. I3drivei3

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    I just had Premium Retrofit code my 2015 I3 for lane assist and it works great. I did have to buy the module from them and easily installed it behind the steering wheel in about 10 minutes. Yes, many of your Bimmercode programming will be erased, but you can easily recode. Premium Retrofit...
  11. I3drivei3

    Successfully added Traffic Jam Assistant to US model -- interested in other people's experience with TJA

    i have TJA working on my 2015 i3 Rex but not the lane assist. Will this premium retrofit module allow for the lane assist to work? Thank you! I just purchased this car and love it! It had all 8 batteries replaced under warranty so it's like new!