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  1. B

    New-ish tires!

    Just to add my data point, I run my pressures at 42 front and 46 rear. Tires have 10k miles and very minimal even wear across the tire but the left rear does wear more than the right. Side to side rotation evens that out.
  2. B

    "Drive moderately. Apply additional braking when necessary. Consult nearest service center." Here’s a google drive with torrents for ISTA 4.39.20 as well as the latest psdzdata for flashing to the newest I-level. I’ve used this data many times since it’s usually kept up to date.
  3. B

    12 v battery change
  4. B

    Amazon battery source for i3 12v battery

    That’s where I bought mine last summer. Fast shipping, no complaints.
  5. B

    Does the REx engine heat a cold battery?

    If I remember correctly, there are 2 types of coolant used in 3 areas of the vehicle. The engine coolant and passenger compartment heating coolant uses the stardard BMW coolant. The other "special" BMW coolant is used for the motor and electronics, so just a guess, but it might be...
  6. B

    Tire Repair kit is optional on i3?

    I would recommend a kit with a pair of pliers to remove the screw/nail from the tire. Also a small bottle of soapy water to find the puncture. Spray the tire with the soapy water and add air then look for the bubbles.
  7. B

    Fluid leak near rear left wheel; 2017 REX

    Blue is BMW coolant.
  8. B

    Question about coding

    I use an ICOM knockoff. Never tried an ENET cable.
  9. B

    Question about coding

    No network connection is required, all the updates are in the SLP files. I use an ICOM I bought from AliExpress (knockoff) for about $200 a few years ago. I also use a 13.8V 30A power supply I bought off Amazon to keep the voltage above 13.1v for programming. I use ISTA 4.39.20 (the last non...
  10. B

    Question about coding

    I get my ISTA update files from They seem to be the only free site to download ISTA (don't pay for it!). Note that a full install of Windows 10/11 plus ISTA plus the programming files will take 500-600gb. I'm also a Mac guy and have an...
  11. B

    Vehicle For Sale SOLD-PRICE REDUCED 2019 BMW i3, 28,300 miles, new tires

    It’s 3 years…
  12. B

    I3 drive me crazy … even with a new 12v

    Yes, you still need the hardware (ICOM) if you want to connect to the vehicle. You can still use ISTA for repair procedures and wiring diagrams without hardware. You also have access to all the service bulletins.
  13. B

    I3 drive me crazy … even with a new 12v

    I have no idea what the v4.0.x numbers mean, sorry. It doesn't seem to follow any pattern. ISTA 4.39.20 was the last version of ISTA that didn't require an activation license. Luckily enough, that version works fine with our "now" older BMW's. The I-level software (SDP) is somewhat separate...
  14. B

    I3 drive me crazy … even with a new 12v

    Here’s the latest I-level versions for BMW ISTA. The i3 is I001.