Hi all.
I’m having some issues with my car. Now I’m looking to replace it. But I have questions. So I did a search and found this place.
After reading some stuff I get nervous when I hear bad things. But all cars have good and bad.
I need better mpg and good sound and good tech. But under $10k. I’m not working. On gov ssi and ssdi.
My cousin in law is helping a bit. We found a local place that has or had , I dunno, the 2015 BMW i3. Decent price I guess. No clue.
So I’ve been watching a few YouTube vids. I love what I see. So far. But I have questions.
So I’m introducing myself here as requested.

I live in Burien Wa. In an apartment.
I’d like to ask a few questions here. Please forgive me if this isn’t the place.
1: Could I use a maybe 100 foot extension cable for charging? Has to go from my apartment to where I can park my car for a few hrs.
2: What about if it’s raining?
3: Does the 2014-2015 i3 have good sound?
4: What trims/models are there? I know of base and range extender. Then I know of stuff for the fabric or something?
5: I’m interested in the 20-4-2015 i3 range extender. Navigation. Good sound. Other stuff like ACC seems cool.
6: I’ve read online of free chargers. Is that true? Charging station.
7: How can I find where charging stations are? Is there an app like Tesla has that will show this on gps map like Tesla?
8: Is there a nice BMW app to manage the car/charging like Tesla has?
9: Can you get charging cost info? I think the Tesla app shows how much per mile or something. My cousin charges his at home and it seems to know cost per mile or something. But how I wonder. Based on his power company and the app knows or his location.
10: How do you enter in addresses in the nav. Do you just use the dial in the center console area or write out an address?
11: Can you talk to the car and get directions? Say an address or business and nav does the rest?
12: What’s the difference between 2014 range extender and 2015 range extender?
Sorry. I just have questions haha. And thank you.