Right way to charge my BMW i3

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Jul 6, 2024
Hi, I use to fully charge my car in the evening when I come back home to use next morning to go to work.
I am not sure this is the right way to charge the car because I read somewhere that the car should be charge to 100% only if it is going to be use strait away once it is fully charged. Thank you for your help
As far as BMW is concerned (specific to the i3, not their current EV lineup), 100% all the time every time is correct.

Many of us, like you, see the industry best practice of 80% or thereabouts, but BMW doesn't make this easy nor convenient for i3 owners.

This is an often discussed topic, and you'll hear justifications such as battery balancing and top-end buffers. Ultimately, BMW say charge it (they don't bother to explain their rationale, leaving that up to us to speculate over), so I can't really fault it.

But for me personally, I've seen enough mixed data to stick with the 80 advice, and for my situation it's barely an inconvenience, so that's how I run. I consider limiting change as an insurance policy of sorts for a car I intend to keep looking term, and it certainly causes no harm. I don't think 100% will cause the bottom to drop out overnight, and still do so occasionally, or particularly before setting out on a longer drive.
Interesting, we very recently purchased a 3yo i3s and the BMW dealership 'verified' the battery still had 99% capacity which sounded ideal.
We only have a granny charger at present but tend to use the car every day and often >100 mile trips so we are fully charging overnight every night.
Mileage capacity has shown anywhere between 130 and 150 miles when fully charged but here in the UK temps are close to freezing so I'm expecting the distance to improve as the temp warms up as we move into spring.