The REx starts to produce electricity from the moment it turns on...but, the amount it can produce is proportional to how fast it runs. The computer won't let it run at full speed (assuming it's needed) until it warms up fully - about 10-minutes. So, if you weren't stressing the car at the time, your SOC might be able to stay constant. Once warmed up, it may turn on/off, but when on should still provide up to max power.
Your break even point may vary based on the load the vehicle is carrying (people, luggage, etc.) and the accessories you have on (lights, a/c, stereo, seat heaters, rear window defogger, headlights especially high beams, etc.). Your tire's air pressure is also a factor as would be whether you're running winter tires, summer tires, all-seasons, or square or staggered setup, as the drag would change.
FWIW, 1Hp~745.7watt-hours, so at full tilt, the 34Hp REx would produce 26.1Kw. The 170Hp motor in the i3 can draw a maximum of 126.8Kw (but not for long...the batteries can't sustain that level of output for long, they'd overheat, so it has a limited duration). That's about a 5:1 ratio of what the battery can provide to the motor verses what the REx can. That's assuming that the conversion from the REx Hp to watts was perfect...figure you'll lose at least 5-6%, probably a bit more.