rex error code help please.,

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Sep 29, 2019
Our rex engine cut out mid journey the other day. Message on screen along lines of - drive train error but you can continue on electric power.

After a stop it worked again. Charged up a bit and later went home.

I tried the rex again - it worked but then engine management light came in.

So today I've plugged reader into it. Two faults - that aren't eraseable.

P138F and P138F P

These aren't covered in the reader's hand book. Any ideas.
Off now to disconnect batteries count to 100 and reconnect. See if that resets it.

Look up BMW DTC's here.

Apparently, P138F is reported by generic code readers whereas a more specific hexadecimal code is reported by code readers that know BMW DTC's (e.g., BimmerLink). This DTC might be due to a problem with the crankshaft position sensor, the oxygen sensor, or the ambient pressure sensor. The more specific hexadecimal DTC would be needed to differentiate between these diagnoses.

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