Parasitic draw parameters

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Nov 19, 2019
Anyone know what is the “parasitic draw” of the 12v battery ?? I replace my 12v battery with a full charge original(from dealer) battery and its been drain in a couple of hours. One thing I notice its the spark when you connect the cables its way high than normal.
There have been isolated reports over time of similar issues where there is a short in some module. At least one of them was a bad headlamp module that had a short.
The parasitic draw should be minimal. You should test it with a multi-meter and see what it is actually consuming while the car is "off". You must open any access doors and then wait 15 minutes for accessory mode to turn off.
The parasitic draw should be minimal. You should test it with a multi-meter and see what it is actually consuming while the car is "off". You must open any access doors and then wait 15 minutes for accessory mode to turn off.
I suggest disconnecting the HV disconnect before disconnecting the negative battery cable to measure the vampire load so that the DC-DC converter doesn't turn on during testing. I'd wait for 30 minutes after locking/unlocking/opening/closing any door, the hatch, or the frunk before disconnecting the HV disconnect to ensure that the HV system has shut down.

I should have measured this vampire load on one of the many occasions when I've disconnected the negative battery cable but just didn't think about doing it. It would be interesting to learn the magnitude of the vampire load.