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Arrived home close to 5:00 PM after:

  • Wife enjoyed trip with the smallest dog while the other two were in the 'doggy groomers'
  • Delivery team worked fine but I got a panicked call 'Do you have the check?'. Confirmed they found it later and it is deposited.

Still not available from the EPA web site.

Financed $21,905 for a Standard Range Plus Model 3 versus the online ordered Standard Range Model 3, $23,000 with a $142.25 paid back later from Tesla. I had a conference call with the Tesla Store sales and my banker (who like me found their order sheet hard to understand.) We figured out that $21,905 would fully cover the purchase price so that is what I financed and the bank gave me a check to deliver at the Tesla Store in Brentwood TN (suburb of Nashville.)

My wife's folding wheel chair fits in the trunk with space to spare. This means I won't need a 2" receiver hitch any time soon.

  • First charge session - the car set limit is 32 A because the "+" is grayed out.
  • Full charge showed 240 miles - exactly as expected.
  • Around 1:30 AM 'turnpike trots' and we ran out of Imodium. Quick trip to all night, WalMart and we're set.
  • Set the battery charge limit but there are no metrics, just a graphic without numbers. Will have to measure.
  • 3:00-4:30 AM - mystery charge session, software update?

Am planning a trip to Tunica MS for Model 3, RV camping:

  • RV camping allows us to bring all of Holly's dogs. Hotels charge more and only for one dog.
  • Trip will visit three SuperChargers for cost and practice.
  • Testing "dog mode" as camping mode.

When I handed over the check, I briefly thought about taking a photo of the event ... ad hoc receipt. Later at a bar I got a call, 'Did you take the check?' They'd mislaid the check. The Model 3 had what was expected but when I called the next morning, 'we found the check and it is deposited.' <GRINS>

Bob Wilson

ps. It is not my practice to pester non-Model 3 forums with SPAM posts. I'll answer questions but I'm not here to pester folks since we are keeping our BMW i3-REx, the backup.
