I had this problem of an 8 degree droop:
Leaving the driveway, the gutter led the carrier to dragging on the hump.
I bought an 8 degree, wedge shim used by off-roaders who lift their suspension. A wedge shim handles
the new body-to-spring-to-axle angle. After re-drilling the mount hole to 5/8", here it is installed:
Notice the platform is now parallel within a degree or so of a line drawn axle-to-axle of the wheels.
Here is the wedge shim in the assembly:
The tow ball mount droops a little then you can see the small end of the steel wedge. On top of
the wedge is an alignment part that comes with wheel chair carrier to keep it from rotating around
the bolt and shifting to the rear. The wedge actually over-corrects a little but the 'slop in the system'
lets the carrier droop to level.
Now one potential problem is the bolt holding everything together has to deal with an 8 degree
angle. Cocked at an angle, one side of the bolt-head would be over stressed and the other side,
unloaded. Over time, road vibration would lead to a crack and the head separating ... not good.
I used a 9 degree, wedge washer:
Annealed, the washer conforms so the bolt-head is evenly loaded. It also means stress will in
effect keep the bolt-head from any rotation.
Now the only metric for fuel consumption has been 40 MPG @65 mph between Knoxville TN
and Cleveland TN on my first drive home. But I've added a receiver hitch and now the
wheelchair carrier and wheelchair with a rain cover. So I replicated the benchmark @65 mph:
So loaded, it is running 73 miles / 2 gallons ~= 36 MPG. This is the mileage I need for trip
planning. Here is the electrical version (after coming to a stop) of the 65 mph benchmark:
The temperature was +90F, comfort mode, and AC set to 74F. These were taken at the Shell
station right off of the Interstate. And then the flap for the gas tank would not open and
I was completely out of gas.
So I drove over to the BMW dealer and they showed me the manual over-ride. They also
showed it is not a one-time use and then go to dealer. For now, they asked that I do
a power-on, RESET of the software which is in progress. I'll back out the 'code' and
if it doesn't work, I'll schedule an appointment. The major technical issues have been
Minor issues:
- Safety chain ... bolt failure would be bad ... dragging on road, less bad.
- Fitting 1 gallon spare can in front trunk (frunk).
- License plate replica behind chair carrier with light.
- Left-turn light is blocked but that may not be a problem.
- Rust protection (?) and double-nut the bolt.
Suggestion? Thoughts?
Bob Wilson