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Prefacing this post by saying I still **really like** my i3 and am not experiencing any remorse or anxiety.  I just dropped it off at the dealership service department and the work order is nearly two pages of squawks. I have definitely never had a car with this many problems pop up, and I'm not even 5 months in (28,000 miles).  Let's hope the crack team of BMW-certified mechanics can adequately address everything. They seem to sell a good volume of new and used i3s at this location, so hopefully they're up to speed on my particular issues.

Here's the summary of my work order:

A) "Drivetrain Malfunction"  -- yesterday 2nd start and the car would not let me drive it, said "contact service." An hour later it started up and drove like normal, and no problems today.

B) "Wouldn't Engage Park" -- I documented 6 occurrences  of this over 3 days, had to bypass the charging port cover lock, and manually key-lock the doors. I gave the Park Module attached to the gearbox a good whack, and it hasn't acted up since.

C)  "Lack of Power Steering" -- cited one instance of it feeling like I had no power steering at the start of the drive. This was back in September shortly after purchase, and it hasn't recurred since. 

D) "No Cabin Heat" -- on three days (two were late at night, a month apart, actually), the car only blew cold air. I tried stopping and restarting, no change. Next drive, the heat was back. It's been about three weeks since the last time this happened.

E) "Windshield Wiper Thumping" -- at slow speeds, not every time but with regularity, the windshield wipers make a very loud thumping sound when they activate intermittently. I noticed the end of the long blade dips below the windshield glass, but don't know if this is the problem.

F) "Driver Side Mirror Slow to Defrost" -- is what it says, vs. the passenger side mirror. Just want it checked.

G) "Clicking 'Online Search' from Touchpad Creates a Period" -- This complaint is petty, but it's annoying, and since I've got their attention...

This list of complaints is loosely ranked in order of severity. The drivetrain malfunction is the big question. I suspect they'll replace my Park module, give me a software update for the power steering and touchpad, not sure what to expect for the cabin heat, they'll tell me my mirror is heating up within spec, and they'll want to replace my wiper blades for the thumping. But let's see what tomorrow's phone call brings!

What's funny is I brought it in without an appointment, and the outside greeter (not the service writer) was really trying to push me schedule a date and bring it back later.  I finally said, "Look, I was about to put it on a tow truck and drop if off yesterday because it wouldn't start" and he finally relented. I've been putting this service visit off long enough (procrast-enate-ing : :roll: )  because I was too constrained by their website's "what's wrong with your car" drop-down menu selection and Post-It Note sized "additional information" text box.
