Help with my i3

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Jun 22, 2024
Hey guys , my bmw i3 Is acting up , ac wont turn off unless the car is off, and battery charge is decreasing meanwhile is off , the following errors are coming up

Error memory
0ate: 7/23/24
Electrical machine electronics 1error 222825: Charge management: CC message 884, (ast charging active
Body 0omain Controlter 1error 8040B3: K130B OCtive: Start capability limit reached or Kt. 8013 active for a long time
HeadunitHigh 1error B7F850: Connection head-unit -to microphone 2: line break
Integrated automatic heating / air conditioning system 2 errors 801123: HeAt pump pressure ! temperature sensor 2 after air conditioning compressor: Pressure - plausibility error 801128: Heat pump pressure ] temperature sensor 1 in front of the air conditioning compressor: pressure plausibility error
Hey guys , my bmw i3 Is acting up , ac wont turn off unless the car is off, and battery charge is decreasing meanwhile is off , the following errors are coming up

Error memory
0ate: 7/23/24
Electrical machine electronics 1error 222825: Charge management: CC message 884, (ast charging active
Body 0omain Controlter 1error 8040B3: K130B OCtive: Start capability limit reached or Kt. 8013 active for a long time
HeadunitHigh 1error B7F850: Connection head-unit -to microphone 2: line break
Integrated automatic heating / air conditioning system 2 errors 801123: HeAt pump pressure ! temperature sensor 2 after air conditioning compressor: Pressure - plausibility error 801128: Heat pump pressure ] temperature sensor 1 in front of the air conditioning compressor: pressure plausibility error
Could be your 12V battery. Just a guess. I'm no expert.
If the 12v battery has never been replaced then that is the first place to look for problems -as already advised by nickp. You can get all kinds of weird errors when the 12v battery has died. It might also explain why the traction battery empties while at rest.
I replaced and coded the battery 4 months ago, when I got the warning on the dashboard . Is no error or warning display or the battery discharge .
In that case, check the 12v battery again to be shure, and I hope some of the other members may be able to help you out. Otherwise, if your car is still drivable there is the option of having a diagnose by a BMW dealer.

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