Fuel Pump defective

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Well-known member
May 26, 2013
Ootmarsum, The Netherlands
My i3-REX has 75,000 km on it. From which approx. 1,100 km on gasoline. Mostly because of the automatic maintenance runs ;)
Now my fuel pump is defective. A new one will cost around € 700,- (including mounting).
I can't imagine it's normal practice for gasoline BMW's that fuel pumps have such a short lifespan...
Otherwise no more BMW's would be sold anymore ;)
Anyone of you with similar problems?
I was thinking about the nature of the little engine and it's lack of use. We know that fuel can create varnish in fuel system if it is not moving for a long period of time. I usually run my portable generators often to make sure that they work when I need them.

The fuel that we have in Canada offers many different grades and we opt for the Non-ethanol version. I don't know what fuel is in ours as it came filled up by the dealer and we still have half a tank left so I am forcing to run by draining the battery. Then I will fill it up with the non-ethanol fuel.

I am not to sure if this is what happened to your fuel pump but it has me thinking that the REX needs to be run more often. I am hoping to do some coding so I can turn on the generator more often. Right now I have the 6.5% SOC auto start which is a pain.
The I3-REX commands me to run the REX once in a while.
I'm not sure, I think it's once every 6 weeks or so. And then it has to run for a minimum of 10 minutes.
So, the engine runs once in a while.
When it should be required to run more often, I suppose BMW had programmed that in the software.
For example once every 4 weeks in stead of once every 6 weeks.
Are you sure about the fuel pump? was it diagnosted by a dealer?

I have had similar problems trying to start the REX without success and even the dealer was not able to tell if it was the fuel pump as they did not have anything to test it.

I also read some post around here saying the some guys had their pump replaced but still had the same problem after it was replaced.
The defective fuelpump was diagnosed by the dealer.
However, the i3 is now in the workshop for 2 days already. They replaced the fuelpump, but the problem wasn't over yet.
They are still in search of the real cause of the problems, burt they have no clue......

it was the user "Imram" who wrote it under "REX won't start". I have tried to reach that guy without success.

I have the same problem with my car, it has been at the dealership 3 times and they do not have any idea of what is wrong. They just don't know what they're doing.

If you have any good news to share please let me know here or in private message,

Keep in touch!
RE Rex wont' start.........had this problem when I bought a used 14 REX still under warranty, the car was in the shop for a total of about 13 weeks, I did have fun with 6 different loaners..........they finally figured it out runs fine...........I never really found out exactly what it was. dealership was great, Fields BMW in Lakeland FL.....
part of the problem might be...I think the salesman said the sell about 4 a YEAR....and sell more i8's! It took time but it was worth it I really love the car...

I have a similar problem (75,000mi), the dealer said its the fuel pump, but today I took the fuel tank and tested the fuel pump and it seems to be working. These dealers dont know jack about these cars, if you are out of warranty you are at the mercy of their ignorance and subjected to their trail and errors. They were planning to charge me $3000+ .I heard some people had the fuel pressure sensor replaced. In my case when the rex needs to start, it actually starts but it shuts down after a couple of seconds for 2 or 3 times, then a message saying "only electric..." comes out. Between the issues there are several options: Fuel controller, fuel relay, fuel pressure sensor, I am still doing some more testing with fuel pump. If some had a similar problem it would be great to post it here is see how it was solved.
I had the same problems in the past with the pressure sensor (required to open the cap of the gas tank). But it was replaced and since then OK. However I rarely fill the tank.
The problems with the pump that I described, turned out t o be pump and relay as far as I know now.
Both were replaced and as I described, the fuel pump relay is in a different location than BMW describes in theuir documentation....
Bu for now it seems to be in good working order again.
I had the same problem and and it was the fuel pump relay which is located under the glove compartment inside the car. I changed it saturday and everything is running fine now.

The relay costs $31 CAD and is not too difficult to install. You have to remove 6 screws in the glove compartment and you'll see it. There are 2 relays at the same place. it is the one on the right side.

This is a common problems on those BMW relays.

I have a 2016 REX. 34,000 Miles. Rex recently stopped while highway driving with REX engaged. I could get it to start but it only lasted about 5-10 min and would then stop. i3 Under warranty. Dealer replaced the FUEL PUMP relay. As per previous post, it's not a hard job, need TORX to get glovebox screws out. A new FUEL pump relay runs $20-$30 USD depending on the site you search. Cheap insurance for future issue, going to invest in one and keep in glovebox.

Dealer also replaced fuel tank pressure sensor - not related to this issue. Fuel door only open about 30% of the time when using in car fuel door button, had to use green pull strap under hood. Just annoying at this price point.

Both were covered under BMW Warranty
I also had the problem with the fuel tank pressure sensor in the past.
Fuel door only open opened by using the green pull strap under hood.

And as described before, my fuel pump and relay were also replaced.
After reading all your posts. I doubt wether the fuel pump was relay defective.
Or would just replacing the relay had been enough...
I have a 2016 REX. 34,000 Miles. Rex recently stopped while highway driving with REX engaged. I could get it to start but it only lasted about 5-10 min and would then stop. i3 Under warranty. Dealer replaced the FUEL PUMP relay. As per previous post, it's not a hard job, need TORX to get glovebox screws out. A new FUEL pump relay runs $20-$30 USD depending on the site you search. Cheap insurance for future issue, going to invest in one and keep in glovebox.

Dealer also replaced fuel tank pressure sensor - not related to this issue. Fuel door only open about 30% of the time when using in car fuel door button, had to use green pull strap under hood. Just annoying at this price point.

Both were covered under BMW Warranty
What warranty covered these repairs, given the age of the car?
REX failed in 3 fuel pumps in 2 years i hope this third will last a bit longer..
It’s pretty common for the fuel pump relay to fail and it’s a DIY job with a cheap complement and easy access. I guess it needs fault codes reading.


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