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Happy Tuesday! I don't know what the protocols for sharing contact info are on the Forum, but I'd love to be in touch by email or phone if that's allowable.

I had a chance to buy a late 80s Euro manual 7-series recently and seriously considered it. I know it would be a great car, but I just don't drive enough to justify it.

I was almost certainly at that Sebring Driver's School. Eddie and I were the forces behind Floridafest '84 and '85 and Oktoberfest '86, all of which had driving schools at Sebring.

Thanks for the gas warning. I always used ethanol free in my Ford, so I'll continue that practice. The idea of using up all the fuel occasionally is a good one.

It's interesting that you wanted a later model pure EV. That's really what I was looking for, too. My oldest year cut-off was '17, since they increased the battery size that year, but my car counselor insisted that if it was a '17 or '18, I really should get the REx (He said that in addition to the range insurance, it might help resale value.) If I could have found a '19 or newer, I'd have preferred avoiding the maintenance complications of a gas engine I'll seldom need.

I envy you the trip to CA for yours. I found plenty of likely prospects out there, but couldn't bring myself to buy and ship from that far.

Please tell your Jan that Katherine is SO grateful for you upgrading to your new Maus! I already LOVE Bitsy and am looking forward to many wonderful adventures with her.
