Looks like car oil manufacturers are seeing the writing on the wall. This above is a bit like polaroids or whatever desperate actions film makers did at the onset of digital cameras. There is a massive disconnect between the high maintenance of gasoline or diesel cars and the simplicity and carefree usage of BEVs.
The issue at stake is once PURE electrics are 1-2% of the fleet, there will be a tipping point reached. The next few years will see 10-20-50 then complete obliteration of gas cars.
Gated communities will be built excluding gas car ownership altogether. Towns will ban non electrics from their downtown as much as it is forbidden to smoke indoor nowadays.
For example I convinced close to 30 people by now to go electric soon and for their next car... as a mere drive in my i3 is sufficient to evoke OMG reactions.
The acceleration alone does that.
And progression in the market is non linear.
Looks like car oil manufacturers are seeing the writing on the wall. This above is a bit like polaroids or whatever desperate actions film makers did at the onset of digital cameras. There is a massive disconnect between the high maintenance of gasoline or diesel cars and the simplicity and carefree usage of BEVs.
The issue at stake is once PURE electrics are 1-2% of the fleet, there will be a tipping point reached. The next few years will see 10-20-50 then complete obliteration of gas cars.
Gated communities will be built excluding gas car ownership altogether. Towns will ban non electrics from their downtown as much as it is forbidden to smoke indoor nowadays.
For example I convinced close to 30 people by now to go electric soon and for their next car... as a mere drive in my i3 is sufficient to evoke OMG reactions.
The acceleration alone does that.
And progression in the market is non linear.