Hi all! 2014 Rex started giving me errors yesterday on all systems related to the front camera: ACC, pedestrian detection, and front collision warning. I've driven the car multiple times since then and the errors always come back within the first minute of turning it on. After googling and posting to the FB group, I got some suggestions to clean the windshield, check for condensation in the camera assembly, disconnect the 12v, and check motor mounts, all of which I did, but no luck. I also tried locating a fuse for the camera system to see if it was blown, but I couldn't figure out which controls it. My next step would be paying for the full version of Bimmerlink to pull any error codes, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so what the problem was. The real drag about this is in picking up my new car tomorrow (2017 Ioniq Electric) and have an outstanding offer from Carvana for the i3. So I was literally days away from selling it, but I now have a seemingly major malfunction. Any help is appreciated!