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  1. F

    A/C problem

    Hi, I had the same issue a few weeks ago and this was repaired by BMW. For me it was the wiring of a pressure sensor that was defective and when moving, with the vibrations, the AC system was randomly not getting the refrigerant pressure value and was going into safety whereas in pre...
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    wobbly roof/side trim on the rear

    I did the repair today and it seems this wasn't worst than that double sided tape that came off in this area. I see that the other side is starting to fail too, I wait for it to come off so it will be easier to remove it. if you wish to replace it before it totally fails, cut it using fishing...
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    Wiring parking mode Dash Cam

    BMW uses the fuses numbers in the attached image to connect their Advanced Car Eye dashcam to the i3 with parking mode. The connectors used are: 1x 61138353763 eyelet for ground point 1x 61139232673 MCP 2.8 microfuse connector 1x 61139316221 mini fuse connector I did the installation that way...
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    AC working randomly

    Problem solved by the BMW Workshop, for anyone who would have an issue like that whereas the system is correctly filled. One of the AC pressure sensors was randomly triggering the safety and turning the AC off. After investigation the wiring going to the sensor was faulty and was interrupting...
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    wobbly roof/side trim on the rear

    From what I saw in the ISTA instructions and in the ETK in this area of the arch there is a row of clips on top all along the roof, and bigger ones at the bottom just above the small glass. (unclipping then pulling away the lower part then lifting the arch) The row of clips on top are going in...
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    wobbly roof/side trim on the rear

    I'll try to find some genuine 3M VHB 5952 double sided foam tape as this seems to be close to the one used here or the transparent VHB that is very strong.
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    wobbly roof/side trim on the rear

    Thanks, mine is 2020 too and after checking this is exactly the problem. For anyone who would have this issue, I attached a photo of where the double sided tape is failing.
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    wobbly roof/side trim on the rear

    Hello, I noticed on my i3 that on the right side, the rear part of the trim on which there is the grey sticker has some play compared to the other side when pushing on it where it reaches the tailgate. Is there anyone knowing how to fix this ? Thanks
  9. F

    Loud knocking that may come from AC

    I'm in France so this is French prices, compressor: 1533€ mounting kit: 82€ screws: 6€ R1234yf fluid:26€ misc parts: 204€ labor 929€ ( ISTA diag,car test,AC test, removal and installation of the compressor, AC circuitry cleaning, vacuum and filling of the AC, car test, on road test) (labor is...
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    AC working randomly

    Hello, I had the AC compressor of my i3 replaced a week ago as it failed. (other topic on the forum) But, since, it seems to me that the AC is not working well. When the BMW workshop gave me back the car the temperature of the air was not so cold whereas it as set a the lowest setting but as I...
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    Loud knocking that may come from AC

    For anyone who would find this after searching this symptoms, it was the AC compressor failing, this has to be replaced asap as the battery isn't cooled anymore. The car had to be driven slowly to avoid battery overheating and the car was immediately immobilized by the BMW workshop until this...
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    Loud knocking that may come from AC

    Hello, I have a 2020 i3 since December, 4 times since I got the car I heard a loud knocking noise, and feeling a small shock coming from the rear of the car, the car was stopped or parked so it's not coming from the movement/engine. The first time it happened was when Bimmercode restarted the...
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    I found damaged rear door without explanation

    Thanks for the advices this helped me for the letter I made for my request. My local BMW dealer fixed the problem, as they diagnosed, the glass wasn't in it's holder that was stuffed with old pieces of shattered glass and they also noticed that the glossy trim on the front edge of the glass was...
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    I found damaged rear door without explanation

    I just had an explanation, I visited the BMW dealer, they immediately noticed that the glass was replaced and badly reinstalled, the pieces of broken glass are from the previous one and all the covers are misaligned. If anyone already had a such problem of bad repair on a BMW Premium Selection...
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    I found damaged rear door without explanation

    Hello, Today I discovered a small piece of broken glass when opening the rear door of my i3, I thought it was remaining from a repair from the previous owner. Then I noticed that the outer skin of the door was detached from the top, the rear tab of the glass that is in a clamp is broken, the...
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    Dashcam hardwiring and fuses not matching the installation guide

    I finally installed it, your advices helped me to know I was on the right way. The F4x fuse needed to remove the rectangular fuse holder to reach the blue rail that is hidden behind it, but this time I didn't have any errors. I guess the previous time the car wasn't "sleeping" enough to ignore...
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    Dashcam hardwiring and fuses not matching the installation guide

    I was asking because I did as you do without unplugging the battery and unclipping the fuse board from the cover and it seemed to me it was necessary to remove the rectangular fuse holder to move the blue rail for the F4x fuse but maybe I didn't see wel how this blue rail is installed. I...
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    Dashcam hardwiring and fuses not matching the installation guide

    After all that time I started to install the dashcam in my car, the fuse number indicated in the BMW guide are finally empty but I'm facing a little problem how to install the connectors in the fusebox. It seems there's blue tabs that lock the connectors in place, but I'm not sure which ones...
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    Dashcam hardwiring and fuses not matching the installation guide

    Thanks for the info. I'm still waiting the car so I haven't checked it. Is it easy to install the connectors in the fusebox ? Does it require a lot of disassembly ?
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    Dashcam hardwiring and fuses not matching the installation guide

    Thanks for the explanation about the fuses. Btw, in the ETK it indicates 4 connectors whereas there's only 3 wires to connect. 1x 61138353763 eyelet 2x 61139232673 MCP 2.8 1x 61139316221 Even in the installation PDF it only speaks about 3 wires to connect, is there any explanation why it asks...