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  1. T

    Home Charging Station Error/Not Working

    Your reset worked! Thank you!
  2. T

    Home Charging Station Error/Not Working

    Thank you - sigh - what a pain this is BMW
  3. T

    Home Charging Station Error/Not Working

    The acutal station has a power light that flashes blue nonstop. That's all it will do - when I hold the button nothing happens. I have not seen red. When I plug it into my car (or my other ford hybrid) the car accepts the hand charger and will flash blue for a few moments. No noise, nothing...
  4. T

    Home Charging Station Error/Not Working

    I did connect the charger to my car and pressed the button many times - it just blinked and nothing happened. I didn't hear the contactor at all. Yes, it is set to immediately. Any other ideas?
  5. T

    Home Charging Station Error/Not Working

    Hi there, I just bought the i3 (love it!) and installed the BMW 240 charging station in my garage. The actual station power button blinks which tells me there is connection. However when I connect it to my car it does not charge - I can't seem to trigger it to start. Suggestions? Thanks!