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  1. S

    Unintended acceleration

    Thanks for your comments I know I tried to get control but 10 seconds goes by quickly !
  2. S

    Unintended acceleration

    I’m not stupid but was in shock as the car didn’t respond to steering or braking Incident lasted 10-15 seconds Maybe you’d do better
  3. S

    Unintended acceleration

    Hi I’m in the US Ca I was blamed for the incident as I am a 74 yo white haired woman Currently fighting with my insurance company to pull the data recorder! Accident maybe happened in 10-15 seconds I could feel the car continue to accelerate No warning systems worked until the car crashed into a...
  4. S

    Unintended acceleration

    I was in a parking lot going 5 mph when it suddenly accelerated and continued to accelerate Couldnot steer or brake I hit two parked cars and continued to increase speed until I crashed into a parked truck
  5. S

    Unintended acceleration

    Just happened to me today Brakes failed Car accelerated until it crashed