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  1. D

    Anti roll bar bushes?

    I believe the i3s has a bigger bar, you can tell as the is3s has castings to mount the bar while the i3 has pressed metal ones. I have found a new other bar from a dealer now and once it gets warmer I'll give it a go and advise. The bushes are definitely seemingly glued to the bar. Why do this...
  2. D

    The front anti roll bar

    I think this is why a hate BMW. They make what could be a very easy job into a neigh pain in the arse one. Access to the anti roll bar bushes is nice and easy, but the buggers decided to attach the bush to the bar!!! I've never seen this in a car before, but it has meant I've had to buy a whole...
  3. D

    Torque settings

    Has anyone managed to find a list of the correct torque settings for the various bolts in the i3? In my case in particular the front suspension and top mount? I've trolled the internet but so far to no avail?
  4. D

    Anti roll bar bushes?

    Hello, I have luckily found a new sway bar and bushes on ebay (was to be fitted to a crash repaired car but in the end got written off). The bushes on it do not rotate but are bonded to the bar solid. One of the issues that made me wary of BMW is just things like this, why make things more...
  5. D

    I'm new

    Hello, just bought my i3s 33kw rex and thought i needed a forum to get to know the car. Mine is so far fine but with 148,000 miles on it I'm expecting some issues to crop up. To avoid some though I'm planning a oil, filter and plug change initially and top mounts and anti roll bar bushes a bit...