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  1. I

    Problem with Range Extender

    Thank you for the encouragement! So far I haven’t found an independent mechanic who can take on this project in the WI area. Luckily I have a nephew who is studying to become a mechanic, and he is willing to see what he can do as a learning experience, as he finds time. I welcome any further...
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    Problem with Range Extender

    “Cylinder misfire on #2” is what the service person replied. Thank you!
  3. I

    Problem with Range Extender

    Unfortunately, here in the Midwest, I’m not in a CARB state. (I had to look it up to learn what this is, and which states are CARB states.) Looks like something to work toward!
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    Problem with Range Extender

    Thank you so much for your advice since i3s are not that common in this area, and I am having difficulty getting good service from BMW. Here is the history prior to reaching out to you. The dealership determined: - Cylinder #2 misfired - Replaced ignition coils and spark plugs - Compression was...
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    Problem with Range Extender

    Hello to fellow i3 lovers! I’m so glad to find this group. My 2017 BMW i3 REX with 36,057 mi, is in the shop at BMW because the Range Extender will not start charging the battery when it reaches 5% charge, so the car stops running. BMW will charge $18,423 to replace the generator! Has anyone...