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  1. T

    Steering not self centering

    I saw that video and it's actually the one I used to determine that there were no part number changes pre/post LCI. Mine's a 94Ah Rex and part numbers don't change for that pre/post.
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    Steering not self centering

    So... today I jacked the front of the car up and the steering still felt stiff. Both with power steering 'off' and with the car in 'READY' so power assisted. That makes me less inclined to think it's the top mounts as you'd think they'd only go stiff when under load (or maybe not). One thing I...
  3. T

    Steering not self centering

    Yep I'd heard of that issue and that there was a software fix for it. The problem I have isn't a loss of power steering though, it's permanent stiffness in the steering. Still definitley power assisted but just a bit stiff.
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    Steering not self centering

    I currently have 20 inch wheels with summer tyres. The strut bushing is interesting though as I'll be chaging thos as soon as the new shocks arrive. I'll post another reply below about testing I did today.
  5. T

    Steering not self centering

    Thanks. I'm aware of the tendency to be a little skittish at speed and I'm ok with that. This is different though - at any speed the steering will stay where you leave it for 10 or 20 degrees either side of centred. Mine is a 2018 LCI model. Part numbers suggest there was no change in suspension...
  6. T

    Steering not self centering

    Yep, stiction is the exact word I'd use. On the face of it it's not 'stiff', just seems to like staying in position more than it should. As you say you had it from new, I'm doubting it's going to be the top mounts in my case, but I'll be swapping them out anyway. At 104k miles they're likely to...
  7. T

    Steering not self centering

    Thanks for the reply. For me it's almost the opposite of what you are describing - the steering feels heavy at the centre point when it should be at its lightest. I do quite a lot of motorway miles and this is when I really notice it. No road is perfectly straight so in any car you are...
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    Steering not self centering

    Hi, I know this has been discussed a few times but there doesn't seem to be a solid answer on it as some say their car is the same and other say it centres properly. I have a 2018 Rex with 104k miles on the clock. Only had it a few months and it's my first i3. The steering doesn't self centre...
  9. T

    2015 REX won’t start while driving

    Do you have 'hold state of charge' available? Any error messages?
  10. T

    Adaptive cruise windscreen

    Sorry, didn't mean this thread to turn inot a pros and cons of adaptive cruise! I've installed adaptive cruise in my F32 435d which is a way bigger job as it needs ABS sensors, ABS pump, body control ECU, radar etc so not afriad of this one, it's just the cost of a new windscreen that's getting...
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    Question on engine coolant maintenance schedule: 125k miles

    Just a bit of info here, you don't need any cable to use large parts of ISTA, only if you need to read codes or run procedures. The workshop manuals are accessible without any connection.
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    Adaptive cruise windscreen

    Hi, I'm going to be adding adaptive cruise to my 2018 94ah rex. I've read that you need to swap the windscreen as the non adaptive one doesn't have the mount for the camera. I'm just wondering if it's absolutely essential? No way round it? The rest of the parts are quite reasonable but a...
  13. T

    How can I reattach this door?

    You know, that's exactly what I was thinking would do the job. Now to find such a tube..... I'm assuming you have to remove the white plastic bit to do that as it would need to be from behind?
  14. T

    Anyone over 100k miles on their car?

    104k miles on my (UK) 2018 94Ah rex. Batt kappa max usually around 29kWh. 110ish miles on full charge.
  15. T

    How can I reattach this door?

    Sorry to jump on the topic but I have a question around this - is it possible to remove the black clips from the white plastic thingies without breaking them? I haven't managed it yet and I'm getting tired of buying clips! Thanks.