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  1. Richard Chapman

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Excellent. Many thanks. I even resorted to reading the manual but didn't find the answer until your very helpful reply here.😀
  2. Richard Chapman

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Slightly off topic... We have a 2017 BMW I3 Rex 94AH in Australia. Sometimes the main display includes a numerical battery percentage state of charge. Other times it only had a bar graph and range estimate. We haven't figured out what causes this change nor huw to change between different...
  3. Richard Chapman

    Charging 80 or 100%

    Many thanks for your advice... I'll have a good look at the Vgate Icar2 specs... I'll think about the "security" issue.. It isn't an ideal solution, but unless there is a better way, maybe it is "a solution".
  4. Richard Chapman

    Charging 80 or 100%

    I have a 2017 I3 94ah in Australia. We have recently lost remote visibility of the car's state if charge due to 3G cellular network shutdown. Would the Vgate Icar2 wifi adaptor above allow me to connect to our home wifi in the driveway and provide remote charge state visibility... At least...