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  1. O

    Part Wanted Want to trade wheels

    Hello, would like to trade my all black 20" for the same. Want to trade my rear for your front. This is off 2019 s with 20k and no curb rash. 80% tire life remaining. Located in WA, can ship. See dirty pics.
  2. O

    Its too late!

    I know, I know, but cant help to think if they could of, should of done scissor doors on the i3 and eliminate the two rear doors. Less weight big opening and out of the way, not to mention the WOW factor to match the futuristic look! Turns a semi negative (not to me) to a big possitive for sure.
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    Coding questions

    Hello all, anyway to turn on backup camera while driving? Also what ever happened to changing one click signal to more then 3 clicks, BLINKZYKLEN_ANZAHL_TIPP under 3060 doesnt seem to be there..
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    N while driving

    I see people post that i3 can be shifted to nuetral while driving, is this true? I can not do this on my 2019 I3s, tried coasting and will not shift to N.
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    replace motor with others

    How many of you think its possible to fit something like a tesla motor for the rear wheel? I think we have plenty of space, especially a bev. I think the next mini will use the same motor as us, but have 215hp-245hp and might even bolt on with 150kw DCFC inverter it would be awsome for our i3...
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    program key fob via bimmer code

    I can't seem to get the bimmer code to program the 3rd button for the front hood to open instead of trunk, any hints? I know one of you did it through the old post, but I tried your bimmer code but still can't get it to open the front hood.