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  1. I3drivei3

    Replacement high voltage batteries

    I recently purchased a top of the line 2015 i3REX with 60,000 miles in fantastic condition for $12,000. It just had the high voltage batteries replaced under warranty, so the car feels brand new to me. The previous owner had 69% left on the batteries so BMW replaced them. I feel like I got a...
  2. I3drivei3

    Bridgestone EP500 tires

    Hello, I am a new 2015 BMW i3 REX owner. I have coded it with all the bells and whistles and added the traffic lane assist (good under about 45 MPH). It's without a doubt one of my favorite cars I have ever owned. I also loved my Merkur XR4TI. This car is similar in that its a bit quirky and if...